Kubera Wiki

Ancient humans, also referred to as the original humans, were a race that existed in the earliest years of the universe, and predated the current human race. This race of human existed in the previous universe, and were even the victors.


This race of humans worked differently from the current human race. First of all, once they died they would resurrect in another body living a new life. After reaching a certain age, they would go through the Coming of Age ceremony to regain their memories from their previous life. This enabled them to grow and keep on learning, overcoming the limitations of having short lives.

This race of humans cared deeply about their community, and a loss of one member was mourned by all. Even with their previous memories restored, they focused on their current one and were not fixated on the past. This all changed once Brahma decided to eradicate this race of human, whom she once considered to be her greatest creation.

This ancient race of humans was powerful enough to have been seen as a threat to the universe by the gods. Eventually, both the gods and the nastikas recognized this race as a common enemy, and worked together to completely destroy them.[1][2]


It is hinted that this race might have had the potential to surpass even the natural gods, but they were destroyed before their potential was realized.[2]

It has been confirmed that humans each had a unique ability, but that they used this power to help other around them. Like nastikas and gods, but unlike current humans, ancient humans had names with power[3], which could be the source of their abilities.

Ancient humans had souls that could retains their memories, unlike the present humans who only have memories within their physical body and in which the soul is a separate concept which acts more like an energy source to power their consciousness.[4] This is why Brilith is able to gain memories of all her past lives.

They are said to have had the wisdom to control and limit their power, unlike the nastikas.[2]


  • Brilith Ruin was originally from this race, and was engaged to Agni.[5]
  • The reason why Brilith reincarnates after death is still unclear. It might be due to her betrothal with Agni, or it might be a property of ancient human souls, similar to that of the souls of the gods.

