Kubera Wiki

Overview Skills and Abilities History Plot - Season 1 and 2 Plot - Season 3 Relationships

Season 1[]

(P) In the Season 1 prologue, "Enemy, Revenge, Transcendency" are the three themes of Maruna.

Chapter 1: A Girl with a God's Name[]

1-03 destroyer

On the rubble of the village

(3) Maruna uses Crimson Sunshine of Dawn to destroy Leez's village. When Leez searches for survivors in the village, he appears before her, with his hands in his pockets, on a pile of rubble, calmly looking down at her, and ignoring her many questions. Just as he is about to strike her with Crimson Burst, Asha Rahiro appears behind Leez and teleports them both away. A confused Maruna proceeds to look for them.

(4) After Asha teleports them away once more, Maruna notices an imprint of Leez's body on the ground. He recognizes what happened, takes sura form, and gives chase to the girls. He attempts to eliminate his targets by using Crimson Lightning, destroying a large portion of a forest in the process, but fails, as Asha teleports herself and Leez to a faraway location.

1-05 Maruna eats the curry mushroom

Chewing Curry mushrooms

(5) Gandharva walks up to Maruna, who is standing amidst the destroyed forest, and makes fun of him for his inability to kill the person with a god's name. Maruna counters that someone who was taking a nap has no right to criticize.

Gandharva excitedly offers up a curry mushroom that he found in the woods. To his dismay, Maruna effortlessly manages to bite, chew and swallow the mushroom, while reminding that although he will not turn down the food Gandharva has brought him, he is carnivorous.

Maruna deduces that the escaped human must have gone to Atera and mentions that "he" told them that the priestess of Atera has probably summoned the god of fire, Agni. He suggests that it would be better to give up on the target under these circumstances. Gandharva grins that this could actually be fun because he knows that god's weakness.

Chapter 2: The Queen and the Bum[]

(1) Brilith Ruin and Agni discuss the red sky attacks, which have led to the destruction of numerous villages all over the planet. Brilith suggests that a superior sura of the Garuda clan would have the ability to turn the sky red when using a transcendental, but Agni makes light of the situation. Once Brilith leaves, Agni goes serious and vows not to be merciful towards whoever is responsible.

(4) Brilith and the temple magicians discuss the red sky attacks and speculate that it may be all perpetrated by the same superior Garuda sura that has somehow managed to infiltrate the human realm.

Chapter 3: The Sorrow of Loss[]


Maruna in sura form preying on lower level Ananta sura

(1) Against his better judgment, Maruna brings Gandharva to the outskirts of Atera, where he analyses the defense system and concludes that breaking the barrier from the outside will be impossible. Gandharva suggests that it may be possible to attack from the inside, but Maruna considers the idea suicidal because of the god that is present. Gandharva states that he has never feared the gods. Why would he fear the toys that he plays with? And even now that he is weakened, he refuses to turn back for fear of a god.

Maruna points out the checkpoint that the humans use to enter but continues having doubts about the idea. He is interrupted by Gandharva, who notices a few people below, and asks Maruna to take a look, as he does not have good enough eyesight. Grasping the situation, Maruna is quickly angered by the dishonorable ways of the Half hunters, seeking to sell captured halfs at an auction, and prepares to kill them with Crimson Homing Beams, but Gandharva stops him.

1-12 Maruna cleans up

what Maruna does to humans[1]

Maruna carries Gandharva down to the humans. He remains put while the hunters insult him, but once they begin to insult Gandharva, he holds back no more and breaks the speaker's jaw. Before Gandharva can stop him, Maruna makes a short process of the rest of the hunters. Maruna then suggests that Gandharva should question the halfs instead.

When Maruna scares the already frightened halfs, claiming he wanted to undo their collars, Gandharva accuses him of pulling pranks and asks him to stay aside. After Gandharva heals the halfs, Maruna notes that they did not come to the planet for charity work.

Maruna carries the halfs to their village and takes offense when Gandharva suggests he could have eaten them. Gandharva finds the magic license of one of the fallen hunters and shifts his form to look as human as possible, even taking out his eye, his only non-transformable sura part. Maruna is shocked at how far Gandharva is willing to go. Gandharva admits he might be doing this because he misses the fair and righteous Babo Kim.

(4) Gandharva explained that the power of a summoned god is limited by their summoner. If the summoner cannot handle the god's powers, their lifespan gets depleted. The summoning itself must have cost Agni's summoner much of her lifespan, so draining any more should lead to her quick death, which would result in Agni returning to the god's realm.

He continues that this can only be achieved because he knows of the one weakness which can get Agni mad enough to lose control. Maruna worries if Gandharva can survive angering a god, but Gandharva quells his worries. Maruna errs by bringing up Shakuntala and assuming she is dead, but Gandharva stops him and insists that she must be alive. Gandharva leaves with the words that he will certainly not be killed by Agni because putting out fires is his specialty.

1-15 2nd stage Maruna

2nd stage Maruna

Maruna thinks back to how Gandharva trained him in the past. Gandharva is the king of the Gandharva clan, one of the eight sura clans, a friend of Maruna's father, Garuda, and his childhood teacher. On Garuda's request, they were training on a lava planet. When Maruna complained about the heat, Gandharva froze the whole planet as if it were nothing and warned Maruna not to complain about the cold now.

Maruna, observing Atera from a nearby hill, thinks to himself that if only Gandharva had half the power as then, he would not be so worried. He then notices a huge boom in the midst of the city which sets most of it on fire.

(6) After watching the situation for a while, Maruna is surprised by how much a god can weaken by being bound to their summoner. He wonders what is taking Gandharva so long and curses that he cannot see well through the fog. He wonders whether he should interfere or not, suspecting that Gandharva might get angry at him either way. He eventually takes sura form.

1-20 Maruna's blocked attack

The barrier holds the attack

(7)(8)(9) Agni notices as Maruna flies over the city. Others inside the city spot the sura form Maruna perched on top of a mountain. The sky turns red as Maruna prepares a transcendental, aiming to hit the whole city except for Gandharva. This way, the human with the god's name will be eliminated. Just as the transcendental hits, the barrier gets restored and blocks the attack. Gandharva makes a deal with Agni and tells Maruna to stop the attack.

Chapter 4: AAA Magician[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 5: The Golden Knight[]

1-29 Gandharva and Maruna

Gandharva, are you crying?

(3) While Gandharva contemplates which city to attack, Maruna suddenly flies up to him. Noticing the tear in Gandharva's eyes, he asks if the nastika had been crying, for which he earns a punch to his face. He asks Gandharva to please be more gentle when punching him because regenerating is difficult now that he has not eaten for a while.

He then asks about "his" whereabouts. He mentions that he saw Gandharva and "him" arguing about attacking Atera and worries whether "he" could have gone to attack the city himself. Gandharva coldly states that this would turn them into enemies. When Maruna notes that he would then become Gandharva's enemy as well, Gandharva says he hopes it would not come to that.

(6) In her first time being so close to many monstrous suras, Leez recalls scary childhood stories about them, and how eventually one would come to destroy her village.

(9) When Gandharva finds Kubera, he asks him where he went as Maruna would have surely spotted him if he were here.

Chapter 6: The Past I Yearn For/Longing for Yesterday[]

(1) Maruna recollects that his father, Garuda, had three friends, whom he entrusted his children to when he could no longer take care of them himself. Maruna went to Gandharva, the second to Shuri, and the third the primeval god Visnu.

While Gandharva's daughter, Shakuntala, showed great joy when welcoming Maruna to her clan, Gandharva did not seem to appreciate the friendship between the children and forced Maruna to go through rough training in order to develop.

Since Maruna had been stuck in 2nd stage for centuries, he was grateful to hear that this method could help him, but it felt like abuse upon abuse with no result in sight. It did not help that Shakuntala managed to easily develop to 3rd stage way ahead of him.

1-36 Maruna and Shakuntala

Complaining to Shakuntala

In a flashback, Maruna complains to Shakuntala about all that pointless training and about how he misses his mother and siblings. He expresses desire to just skip this point of his life and get to 4th stage already. Shakuntala tells him to value the present moments more, because although they may seem meaningless, they will never return, and realizing their worth once they are gone would be sad.

In the present time, in his thoughts, Maruna explains that the days he wishes to return to are the days spent with his family. He was unable to see any of them after the Cataclysm, and as much as he misses Shakuntala's smile, he misses his family more. He considers that Gandharva must be feeling the same way about her.

Maruna tells Gandharva that they do not have the forces to attack Rindhallow, so attacking Atera would be more viable. Gandharva expresses disappointment that Maruna pushes for this option and hopes that he will find Shakuntala through the gate that opens this day and there will be no need for attacks. He adds that "he" agreed that Gandharva go through the gate himself.

In his thoughts, Maruna finds this claim suspicious. There is no way "he" would allow Gandharva to cross because then "he" would lose all leverage to keep Gandharva by his side. But then he concludes that the Great Gandharva must have already considered this so there is no reason to worry. He goes off to get some food. In narration, he says he should have realized Gandharva was in no state to make rational judgments, however great he was.

1-36 Maruna near Rindhallow

Missing her smile

(2) Maruna is discussing the planned attack on Rindhallow with the forces he had summoned nearby the city. A subordinate brings up that Rindhallow is a city of darkness and death, where many suras are locked up and used for death magic experiments. During the Cataclysm, the god of Darkness was summoned to the place and annihilated all suras around the city. Maruna counters that this god killed his own summoner by this act because he was unaware that according to the new post-Cataclysm summoning system the summoner's lifespan gets drained. Defense on such a level is thus not to be expected.

Maruna plans that he will break the double barriers himself but since that will leave him exhausted, the army will have to handle the rest of the fight and battle the magicians. He expresses a faint wish that if Shakuntala is found today, there may be no need for an attack.

(3) Maruna explains that once the Cataclysm ended, two of the four primeval gods, Shiva and Visnu, disappeared. Before leaving, Visnu divided the races into separate realms. The gods had no issues with the realm they were confined to, the humans were given the most prosperous realm, but the suras... were confined in a toxic wasteland. This environment was deadly to many suras below nastika level and especially the Gandharva tribe suffered.

Gandharva kept a small area purified to limit the danger, at the cost of his own strength, but this was hardly enough. Many called for an ocean to be created, but this was a feat that could kill Gandharva.

By this time, Shakuntala is already in 4th stage and she makes fun of Maruna who is only at 3rd stage. Urvasi further mocks Maruna for not being able to reach 4th stage in over a thousand years. When Maruna suggests Shakuntala is the one who is defective, he gets choked by her father.

1-39 Riagara's arms

Pingara and Riagara protect Sagara

(4) After "he" opens the gate, Maruna notices that something is wrong. Someone else crossed before Gandharva had the chance to go. And this someone looks like prey.

As Sagara and her minions threaten Gandharva, Maruna appears beside him. He mentions that he ate out all the Anantas in the area and threatens to eat Sagara's group. He strikes their location with a transcendental but they disappear before taking the hit thanks to the skill-set of one of the rakshasas. Maruna protects Gandharva from his transcendental by hiding him behind his wing. He asks Gandharva if he is alright and when asked what happened, says a certain one of them, Pingara, whom he has tried hunting but always evades, took the other two and escaped. Upon noticing that many more are coming through the portal, he suggests that Gandharva gives up on passing through.

(5) In narration, Maruna states that Gandharva used to be unbelievably heartless and cruel in the past, but these were legends from long before Maruna was born. Since Maruna's father was very different, Maruna first doubted Gandharva's ability to rule but eventually acknowledged his efforts to maintain peace in his clan. Yet he worries that if Shakuntala is gone, Gandharva may revert to his old self as the hope of her survival is the only thing holding him together.

Gandharva confronts Kubera for tricking him, but Kubera makes it clear that unless Gandharva is ready to give up on his daughter, he has no choice but to obey. Gandharva backs down, agrees with the attack on Rindhallow using Maruna's forces, and leaves to cool his head. Maruna worries about Gandharva's safety, but Gandharva brushes it off and asks to be left alone.

To himself, Maruna thinks that Gandharva seems extremely angry and wonders why "he" played Gandharva this way. Suddenly, it strikes him, and he concludes that Kubera is truly cruel.

(6) A few days later, Sagara approaches Maruna, accompanied by her whole forces so as not to get eaten, and tries to conscript him for her plan to attack Atera. She explains that the promise Gandharva made to Agni states that Agni will not return as long as the summoner is unharmed, so the answer is obvious. Destroy the city and leave the priestess alive.

1-42 Garuda and Maruna

Father and son

(7) Maruna refuses Sagara's offer, remembering his father's advice never to trust snakes or insects. As he flies off, Sagara notes how much he resembles his father, and dismisses his decision, claiming that he will change his mind once he understands the severity of Gandharva's condition.

Chapter 7: Half (半)[]

(7) In a flashback, a little Yuta tells Maruna that he envies his wings as his own are mismatched and everyone looks badly at them. Maruna feels a little miffed when Yuta exclaims he looks up to his older brother as perfect even though he, Maruna, has been stuck at 2nd stage for 700 years. Maruna messes with Yuta a little but assures him that there is nothing wrong with him and that his wings are cooler than his own. No matter what, Yuta is a rakshasa of the noble Garuda clan. Although his chaos half will put him through many arduous trials, the light of his other half will guide him. He is certain Yuta will manage because he is his brother.

Chapter 8: The Wavering King[]

(3) Maruna searches for Gandharva, calling out for him to answer. Rindhallow's defenses are strengthening and if they are to attack, they must not wait any longer. Maruna searched through most of the planet and even went through the forests. Only underwater is left.

1-53 Maruna attacked by a fish

Sparing the emotional sura

Suddenly, a sura attacks him. He initially plans to blow it apart with his transcendental, but upon noticing that it is of the Gandharva clan, he subdues it without harming it. When the sura starts crying, Maruna forgives it, tells it to leave, and warns it to be careful because of all the Anantas around the area. He realizes that Gandharva's anger must be affecting his clanmates which makes them lose control. He believes that not being able to handle his emotion is not the quality of a good king.

Sagara suddenly approaches him and criticizes Gandharva's lack of emotional control. She then asks why Maruna thinks Kubera played Gandharva. Maruna assumes that Kubera must have been hoping that Gandharva clan suras would be more useful for attacking cities in an angry state. Sagara debunks this idea and explains that Kubera's goal was to get Gandharva out of the picture and have the army attack Atera. She repeats her proposal to attack that city.

(5) Sagara informs Riagara that Maruna will be joining them in their attack on Atera, and to make the necessary preparations.

(7) Kasak Rajof tells Yuta that Visnu spoke of Yuta's younger sister and older brother.

Sagara asks Kubera why Maruna is helping his plan. Kubera admits he agreed to help Maruna find something once everything is over. Sagara implies that Kubera's plan is detrimental to the Garuda clan so he must have lied in order to convince Maruna to aid him.

Chapter 9: Rival[]

(4) Yuta, fearing that he'll never get the chance to speak to Kasak after he follows his daughter to Atera, storms into Kasak's room with the intent of persuading the information of his siblings out of him. Kasak refuses to divulge anything. He instead gives Yuta the option to either take his earrings or get lost. Yuta takes the earrings, and as he's leaving, promises Kasak that once he develops, he'll force the information about his siblings out from him.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

(2)(3) The sky above Atera turns red and a huge crater forms besides the city where mountains used to be. Although the barrier does not break, the crack is enough for Sagara to infiltrate the city.

1-67 turrets hitting Hura

Turrets hitting Hura

(4) Maruna, in human form, is standing at the center of the crater. Hura, Clophe, Cloche, Riagara, and Pingara observe and display envy that Maruna has a unique transcendental, although it can only be used in human form. Hura gets bored, takes sura form, and flies towards the city, but the turrets start firing at him, making it difficult to retreat. Maruna notes that the idiot should take human form to escape and questions the Asura clan's decision to send Hura over.

He wonders why he is aiding the Anantas, his enemies, and thinks back to the moment when he parted with his siblings. They all made a promise to grow strong and meet again. He realizes his judgment is clouded when it comes to family and apologizes to Gandharva for breaking their promise, hoping he will understand.

(5) Gandharva is outraged and betrayed after being informed by Shess that Maruna has joined Sagara and serves in the critical role of breaking Atera's barrier.

(7)(8) Once Sagara gives the signal, Maruna launches one attack after another to definitely break the barrier, but it keeps getting restored. Finally, the barrier shatters, and the waiting suras take sura form and attack the city. Maruna stays back.

(9) One of Atera's citizens, who saw the sura forms of both Maruna and Pingara, declares that Pingara's sura form is larger than Maruna's.

(10) Kasak Rajof reaches the city and starts giving Hura, Pingara, and Riagara a hard time. Riagara plots to involve Maruna, hoping that he can handle the dragon half and that if Kasak's father, Taksaka, learns of the fight, his anger would be directed against Maruna's clan instead of the Ananta clan.

1-74 Maruna kidnaps Agwen

Maruna kidnaps Agwen

(11) Again, Maruna thinks back to when he parted with his siblings. He envied Yuta for going to Shuri and he worried that the planet Kalavinka was going to with Visnu, Willarv, might be dangerous because it is full of magicians. Kalavinka dispersed his fears. Maruna was sad to be separated from his siblings but noted that it could not be helped if it was to hide the power of the name. He urged them to stay strong until they meet again.

In the present, Maruna observes as Kasak decimates Hura. Riagara approaches and asks him for help. Upon his refusal, she reveals that Kasak may have a clue about the whereabouts of Maruna's siblings. While Visnu and Kalavinka lived on this planet, Taksaka was asked to come. Taksaka got married and had a child, Kasak, who is likely to have been in contact with Visnu. Riagara is informed because she lived in Taksaka's nest. Convincing Kasak to reveal more is up to Maruna.

Maruna, in sura form, lands on Kasak's back and snatches his daughter, Agwen Rajof, from him. He states that luring Kasak out of the city will be easier than expected.

(12) Maruna flies off, clutching Agwen in his talons. Kasak gives chase and launches a transcendental against Maruna. Maruna evades and wonders how come Kasak does not worry about harming the human he is carrying. However, it gained the dragon's attention, so Maruna continues with his plan.

1-76 Maruna tussles with Kasak 1

Maruna fighting Kasak

(13) Maruna sets the injured Agwen down in a forest outside the city. From her mismatched hair and eye colors, he deduces that she is a quarter related to the half dragon, but is surprised that Kasak still attacked without hesitation.

Kasak catches up, and Maruna asks him about Kalavinka's whereabouts. Kasak refuses to tell him, stating that Visnu told him to decide for himself, and Kasak has decided that Maruna is a villain. Maruna does not deny it, and attacks without further hesitation. He manages to hold Kasak's mouth shut before Kasak can breathe out fire and chides him for being too slow and for talking big.

(16) Maruna notices the flames rising from the city, signifying that Agni had been summoned. He curses the snakes and decides he must get away. Kasak makes use of this distraction and fires at Maruna from his hand, which Maruna closely evades but gets his wing singed. Maruna prepares to leave and starts talking about where he left Agwen, but Kasak prepares to fire another transcendental at him. Maruna warns him that he can evade and Kasak will only end up killing the human behind him, but Kasak refuses to listen.

1-79 Shess breaks up the fight (detail)

Shess stops the fight

Shess appears and blocks Kasak's transcendental. He reprimands the both of them for fighting.

(17) Shess tells Maruna that he alerted Gandharva about the attack and brought him over. He suggests Maruna should go beg for Gandharva's forgiveness and voices regret that the alliance between the Garuda, Gandharva, and Yaksha clans seems to be dissolving with two of the founders absent. Maruna flies off; Kasak is prevented from following by Shess.

(18) Clophe and Cloche take notice that Maruna flew by overhead but Hura warns them not to follow, as Agni is in that direction.

Sagara stayed behind to let her army escape and was speaking with Agni in an attempt to manipulate him, but Maruna, mistaking the situation, grabs her and makes a run for it. Sagara quickly warns him to close his eyes and Maruna recalls how his mother once told him about the insight of gods.

When Agni is about to catch up with Maruna, a wall of ice appears between them. Gandharva appears and tells Maruna to get out as fast as possible.

(19) In a flashback to D925, a young Kasak and Kalavinka talk about their respective families. Kalavinka reveals to the half that she has older brothers and that her family can't be reunited due to the "Power of Name."

When Shess keeps reiterating how unfatherly Kasak's behavior was, Kasak interrupts to defend himself that the "chicken brain wanted something I couldn't give." Shess asks what exactly Maruna wanted.

Although Maruna is able to escape, Agni reveals to Gandharva that he managed to use insight on Maruna before his escape to learn that they are after the Power of the Name.

(20) Agni and Gandharva stare down each other for a bit until Agni breaks the silence by saying it was stupid of him to assume Gandharva would truthfully answer his question about the true motive behind the attack on Atera. Instead, since the Garuda rakshasa's speed is weighed down by Sagara, Agni will chase after him and use him to get the answers. Gandharva eventually manages to get Agni to back off.

Noticing Kasak's refusal to reveal Maruna's wishes, Shess calculates that whatever it is, Kasak must be holding an "enormous secret" and elects to leave the dragon half be. Shess uses the idea of joining Maruna's gang as a threat against Kasak if he doesn't do what Shess wants him to do.

Chapter 11: The Power of the Name[]

(2) The suras discuss the aftermath of the battle and learn that they failed to eliminate the target in Atera. Riagara suggests this situation is initially Maruna's fault because he failed "to kill the target at its initial location and letting it escape" to the city in the first place. The group is unaware of Maruna's current location.

Chapter 12: Lies for You[]

1-93 missing siblings

Maruna and Kalavinka

(5) Taraka reveals that both Maruna and Kalavinka are in the human realm to Yuta. She suggests that the two of them would have forgotten Yuta already and are probably searching for each other.

(12) Maruna is walking over some snowy mountains near Rindhallow. He wonders what could be happening. He recently saw Gandharva arguing with "him" before disappearing again. Maruna thinks that it would be a hundred times better if Gandharva got angry at him instead of avoiding him like this.

He overhears Sagara discussing something with her allies. When he asks her about it, she tells him that "he" and Gandharva have decided to leave Maruna out because he would get in the way again.

Season 2[]

Chapter 13: Lost[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 14: Blood/Hide[]

(3) While Gandharva infiltrates Kalibloom, he picks up a pair of red gloves. He thinks they would suit the son of his friend and voices concern about the stupid disrespectful brat.

2-8 maruna is hungry

Threatening Cloche

Nearby Rindhallow, the said brat emerges right behind Cloche, who is badmouthing Gandharva. He threatens to eat her if she does not explain what Gandharva is doing in Kalibloom.

(4) Sagara gets informed that Maruna learned of the plan and is on his way to Kalibloom, but Sagara states that this does not matter. Keeping Maruna out of the plan was something that Gandharva suggested for Maruna's own good and if he refuses, then it is his loss.

Chapter 15: The Weapon of a God[]

2-14 Yuta recalls his brother (detail)

Inspiring his little brother

(2) Leez and Yuta visit a sura exhibition. When Leez brings up her hatred for the red and white sura, it makes Yuta think back to when his brother gave him his sword to help Yuta hide his transcendental value. His brother asked Yuta to grow up healthy and strong and return. Yuta prays that his brother is not the sura Leez meant. Maruna has reached Kalibloom and is observing the city from a cliff.

Chapter 16: Caution[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 17: Reflection[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 18: The Test of the Sword[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 19: Rift[]

2-42 biding his time

Observing the city

(2) Riagara finds Maruna and informs him that there is an unforeseen enemy nearby who killed three 5th stage Upanis. Since Sagara went to the Temple of Chaos in Kalibloom, Riagara is worried that she may be in danger. She asks Maruna to come get Sagara with her and suggests that this will give Maruna the opportunity to check up on Gandharva.

(4) Maruna cannot see what is happening at the Temple of Chaos from the distance. When he notices Gandharva outside the temple, he suggests that he and Riagara split up to find Sagara more efficiently and tells Riagara to use transcendentals to call on him if she is in danger. Despite being offended by his arrogance, Riagara accepts and heads for the crowd.

2-47 looming over

Watching Gandharva and Teo

(7) Maruna notices the commotion caused by a fight between Yuta and Riagara. He decides not to intervene, considering that if Riagara needed his help she would make it more obvious, and heads to Gandharva instead.

Gandharva is attempting to lead Teo Rakan from the Temple and into the city. He notices Maruna who asks Gandharva what he is doing. His mentor does not answer, and the Garuda rakshasa hides to avoid Teo from noticing him. The nastika thanks him and walks away with the priestess.

(8) Riagara takes Elwin Rakan hostage and runs away, pursued by Yuta. Maruna flies up and picks up both her and Elwin.

2-48 maruna to the rescue

Picking up Riagara

(9) Yuta thinks back to when Asha told him that Leez aims to take revenge on the fourth stage rakshasa that destroyed her village and to how Leez spoke of her hatred of the red and white bird. Seeing Maruna picking up Riagara, he realizes that this was indeed his brother and he hides before Maruna can spot him.

Maruna tells Riagara he already transported Sagara to safety and he was just about to go get Riagara. He asks about the half Riagara is carrying and wonders if someone was following her. When he fails to notice anyone, he flies off, carrying both Riagara and Elwin.

Chapter 20: Grudge/Enmity[]

(1) Sagara decides that her forces are to attack Kalibloom soon and tasks Riagara with convincing Maruna to rally his clanmates.

2-53 guard duty

Guarding Elwin

(3) Maruna is guarding Elwin In the Forest of Chaos after having saved her from getting thrown to the Upanis. He tells her that although he respects halfs of allied clans, he is willing to bend his convictions for the greater good, so he does not recommend her to try anything sketchy. She asks him about their plans for Kalibloom but Riagara shows up, suggesting that they should kill Elwin since they already have the information they need. Letting Elwin go would be risky and keeping her guarded is bothersome. Maruna says that since he is the one doing the watching, what happens to Elwin is his business. To his question of why she has come, Riagara responds she is there to ask for his help with attacking Kalibloom.

(7) Elwin asks Maruna if he really plans to attack and points out how many halfs from allied clans will die if he does that, but Maruna reminds her of his earlier words and remains unmoved. He remembers how Riagara explained the task to him. Once the stars in the sky appear, it will mean that the Chaos barrier is down and that is when he needs to use his transcendentals to break the Earth barrier. She adds that he should regard this as making up for the work Gandharva did not do. Maruna wonders why Gandharva failed as he did.

Chapter 21: Frozen Tears[]

2-61 Maruna flees with Elwin

Escaping berserk Gandharva's transcendentals

(4) After the Chaos barrier fell and Gandharva took sura form, Maruna took Elwin further from the city. As he observes, he wonders how Gandharva could possibly take sura form in the human realm, since that is restricted, and also notes that Gandharva is the smallest he had ever seen him.

He considers approaching Gandharva but quickly realizes Gandharva is not sane enough to rationally speak with when the nastika ignores the city turrets and headbutts the barrier. He gets worried what will happen if the rampaging Gandharva starts using transcendentals and so he grabs Elwin, takes to the air, and quickly flees the area, just as Gandharva unleashes a transcendental skill, flooding all the lands around Kalibloom.

(12) Gandharva, now in his human form, gets approached by a group of armed fighters with a threatening attitude. Maruna kills them all with his transcendental, then he lands in their blood and asks Gandharva if he is alright, judging the audacity of the fighters to point their weapons at him. He suggests they should leave and let Sagara handle the rest of the attack.

(13) Gandharva acts depressed, starts asking what there is left for him in the world, and reminds that Maruna said they would become enemies should Gandharva antagonize "him". When Maruna attempts to give Gandharva hope that he may yet see Shakuntala, Gandharva admits she is dead and starts laughing hysterically.

Maruna worries about his state and attempts to remind Gandharva that he still has his clan and should remain on "his" side at least until he can return to them. Gandharva refuses but states he does not wish to be enemies with Maruna either. He gives him a pair of red gloves that he got from the city. Maruna starts complaining that he does not appreciate things made by humans when a sudden explosion strikes the place, leaving a crater behind.

Chapter 22: The One Standing Before Me[]

2-72 another Maruna transcendental

Exterminating insects

(1) A red and black transcendental strikes Maruna's position. Hura takes the hit, just like all the hits before, but unlike all the others, this one prevented him from regenerating and forced him to use up a life. Once Hura stops complaining, he asks where Gandharva had gone, and claims to have came to help Maruna while the Anantas went to the city.

Maruna deduces that the turrets must be down since they did not react to Hura's sura form and Hura tells him that Sagara has control of the barrier seat, meaning their side has secured victory.

2-071 Leez berserk mode-1

About to become a headless sparrow

Suddenly, Leez Haias, with her sword activated, runs at him. Maruna recognizes her as the girl from before and Hura comments on her fearlessness. Leez kills Hura with a hit, but Maruna manages to dodge by flying upwards.

Although Leez cannot hear him, Maruna voices surprise that she came to find him and asks if this means the magician is nearby. He mentions that he is aware humans are hiding closeby and launches a transcendental in an effort to kill all of them. As he watches the resulting crater, he monologues about the fate of humans being to get trampled and die like ants.

(2) Suddenly, he feels a chill run down his spine and only closely evades as Leez, still in the process of regenerating and with pieces of flesh and bones sticking out, nearly decapitates him with her sword. Maruna wonders how Leez could have changed to this extent from the time he had last seen her. He deduces that Leez must be out of vigor, and thus practically helpless, and so he charges another transcendental, ready to deal a killing blow.

Leez taunts him, saying that this will hardly be enough unless he wants to end up a headless sparrow. Angered, Maruna takes the bait and strengthens the transcendental by far. When she calls him simple, he launches the attack.

Leez's bracelet turns black and she tells him that his own arrogance is to blame for his fate. Suddenly, a "No!" resounds through the place and both Leez's and Maruna's transcendentals get canceled midway. Yuta steps in and states he does not wish to lose anyone.

2-73 brothers meet


(3) Surprised, Maruna flies down to his little brother and asks if he is really Yatayu. Yuta confirms this, voices admiration of Maruna's amazing 4th stage, and then attempts to convince Maruna to leave the scene.

Maruna thinks back to vague words he was once told, which trigger doubt if he can trust his siblings. Then he reveals that their father collapsed after the Cataclysm and asks Yuta to come to the sura realm with him. He admits he is working with one who can open the path in exchange for killing humans, something that is of little significance to him.

When Yuta voices displeasure with such behavior, Maruna emphasizes that the lives of a few humans hardly matter if the three of them can reunite. Their only concern now should be to search for Kalavinka. Yuta objects, claiming that it is dangerous for the three of them to be together because of the power of the name.

Maruna refuses to listen to Yuta and stretches out his hand, in an invitation for Yuta to come with him. Just then, Leez jumps in between them, raising her sword against Maruna, and asking Yuta to run because Maruna is dangerous.

(4) Maruna asks what is the meaning of the situation and of the girl calling Yuta by a different name, but without waiting for an answer, he prepares a transcendental with the intention to kill Leez. Yuta stops him, canceling the transcendental, and attempts to explain that Leez was justified to attack Maruna because he destroyed her village and she might want revenge.

Maruna considers the human perspective irrelevant and criticizes this way of thinking. Once he realizes Yuta had become friends with Leez, he voices disgust and disappointment that a noble rakshasa of the Garuda clan would associate with a lowly human.

Realizing that Yuta will not give up on the human or come with him, Maruna takes sura form with the intention of dragging Yuta back by force. When Leez starts running, prompting Yuta to do the same, Yuta suddenly develops to 3rd stage.

2-75 wings out

3rd stage Yuta

(5) Yuta takes sura form and faces his brother. Maruna comments on his sudden development and mentions that Yuta lied about his true name, playing him like a fool. Before Yuta has time to defend against those words, Maruna attacks. He is impressed by how strong Yuta is despite being less than 500 years old but points out that blocking his transcendentals will not be enough to defeat him.

Maruna flings Yuta against a mountain and reaches for his eyes. Yuta escapes by finally unfolding his wings. He clarifies that he kept his wings hidden in an effort to show that he does not wish to fight Maruna, and asks why Maruna is so persistent. Maruna explains that someone far worse and with no regard for Yuta's life will come after him because of the name if Yuta does not come with him now. These are enemies that the two of them have no chance of defeating, and so he wishes to take Yuta and Kalavinka along with the sole desire to protect them.

Maruna is frustrated that Yuta is no longer as obedient as trusting as when he was little, but Yuta insists he requires explanations if he is to comply. Otherwise, he will stay and protect the humans. Yuta is not so weak to be dragged away without a struggle.

2-76 Maruna-Crimson Blitz

Maruna's Crimson Blitz

(6) Maruna and Yuta throw punches at each other. Maruna admires Yuta's speed and notes that although few would be able to defeat him, this will not be enough. While Yuta attempts to hit him with a transcendental, Maruna plucks out Yuta's eyes and eats them. Maruna's transcendentals are now no longer blocked.

Yuta states that beating him up this much will not be enough if Maruna wants to drag him away. When Maruna realizes there is no convincing Yuta, he prepares a powerful transcendental. Suddenly, Maruna is interrupted, as he has to evade the sword of Re which flies right through the place where his neck was and plunges itself into the mountain behind him.

Leez Haias is disappointed that she missed. Yuta is angry at her for returning, but she bows before him, thanks him for trusting her and protecting her, and admits she returned because she could not leave him behind.

(7) Maruna's transcendental bombards the whole area, turning it into a field of craters. Maruna criticizes Yuta, for he had protected Leez. He notices that Yuta is regenerating extremely fast and considers that Sagara must be done by now and he cannot feel Hura anywhere nearby. It might not be good to extend things any longer.

Maruna decides to leave for now, but he clearly states that he will be back for Yuta. Should Yuta wish to look for him before that, he can be found in Rindhallow. He flies off, voicing certainty that they will see each other again soon.

2-78 Maruna threatens Hura

Threatening glare

(8) Hura was observing the scene from a distance. He seems excited over what he had just witnessed until Maruna shows up beside him, startling him. Hura first asks if Maruna is alright and then makes a comment about Maruna being useless for guerilla warfare since anyone can tell Maruna was fighting from a distance because of the color of the sky.

Hura asks Maruna how he will explain the fight to the Anantas and notes that it was careless of him to let Hura learn that the clan name is with Yuta. When Maruna threatens to kill the rakshasa, Hura stops him, noting that there is something important he must tell Maruna.

(10) Sagara and her allies reconvene outside the city. Hura finishes healing the injured Ananta clan suras. None of them seem eager to reveal what happened to them. Cloche mentions they were surprised by Kasak Rajof and notes that Kasak is using the Crescent gate too often which will come back to bite him. Hura points out that at least they got what they came for in the city.

Cloche then asks what Maruna was up to, since she saw the sky turn red. Maruna claims the humans provoked him into a fight and asks if there had been any news of Gandharva. Apparently not. Then he asks why Gandharva took sura form. Sagara says she does not know how he did it. Maruna responds that the question was "why" not "how". Sagara claims to have no knowledge of the event and tells everyone to cheer up since they accomplished their goal here.

Chapter 23: The Good/The Line[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 24: Taboo[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 25: That Which Cannot be Grasped or Held/Out of Reach[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 26: Outsider[]

2-101 Maruna

Rare smile

(1) Nearby Rindhallow, Yuta flies over to where Maruna is waiting. Maruna smiles and says he knew Yuta would return to him.

(2) Maruna asks for confirmation that Yuta will help him find Kalavinka if he tells Yuta why they need to reunite, and inquires what happened to Yuta's wish to protect the humans. Yuta confirms it and admits he believes staying away is the best way to keep the humans safe. Then Yuta starts wondering if he is a monster and if the Garuda clan will accept him.

Maruna thinks back to how someone told him not to trust Yuta, because he is a monster interwoven with lies, but out loud, he says that of course the clan would acknowledge Yuta. Yuta is pleased to hear it.

Maruna points out a stream of light signifying the location where "he" is opening another gate. He warns Yuta not to go there alone because that is where the snakes are. Maruna specifies that attacks on Rindhallow and Eloth are getting planned. Both, however, present difficult targets - Rindhallow with its magicians and Eloth with special defenses. What's more, both cities have two barriers.

Maruna alludes to the fact that Gandharva abandoning their forces certainly puts them into a worse position, which creates the need to call on more allies. Maruna wonders who could possibly answer Sagara's call. When Yuta says he has no idea, Maruna thinks to himself that of course he would not know, since he no longer remembers.

2-102 Garuda

Comatose Garuda

In a flashback to a time shortly following the Cataclysm, a 3rd stage Maruna is brought before his comatose father. A mysterious nastika asks him about his feelings regarding the situation. Maruna scoffs and shows disinterest.

(3) In the year N1, at the Garuda stronghold, Akasha, the strongest nastika of those who remain in the Garuda clan, explains the situation to Maruna - his father is comatose, his mother is dead, and he is merely at 3rd stage. Maruna shows no remorse for his mother's death, pointing out that such a philosophy is what Akasha taught him. Akasha his amused and brings up that all of Maruna's older brothers were just as arrogant as him at 3rd stage. Maruna is unhappy to hear about brothers who died long before he was born.

Then they talk about Maruna's stay at the Gandharva clan. Maruna criticizes the experience, everything from the smell of fish to the harsh training Gandharva put him through, and he suggests that Gandharva was just angry about Maruna being close to Shakuntala. Maruna developed to 3rd stage when he heard that Kalavinka had already hit that stage. He felt frustrated that he would look younger than his younger sister.

2-103 things are not looking good for Maruna

3rd stage chicken

Akasha is glad to hear that such was Maruna's key to 3rd stage and then reveals that she called on Maruna because he must develop to 4th stage within the next four years. Should he fail, all his siblings will die. But since this will be a difficult task, Akasha called on Samphati who is to help Maruna.

Samphati is a rakshasa who managed to develop to 5th stage in a mere 5000 years, which is a record. She developed roughly 300 years ago.

Maruna shows little interest and asks what danger threatens his siblings, Jatayu and Kalavinka. Akasha abruptly warns him not to use the name Jatayu, because that was the name of Samphati's sister who died 300 years ago.

Maruna notes that 300 years ago is also the time when Yuta fled from Taraka and came to the Garuda clan. Akasha explains that Yuta hid his real name and so he received a new one, Jatayu. Akasha refuses to further discuss the issue until Maruna has developed and lets Samphati break his wrist and drag him away. Akasha adds that if Maruna fails to develop, Samphati will go in his place and that he has the option to run away, should that be his choice. But he should know that subjecting himself to the torture is the only way to ensure his siblings get a chance to live.

Gandharva's training seemed like paradise compared to the hell that began that day.

2-104 brothers near the gate

Opening portal

(4) To develop, a sura needs sufficient experience and a key. Maruna's key to 3rd stage were his negative feelings concerning Kalavinka's development, strengthened by how people consistently mocked him about developing slowly. There are cases where a rakshasa cannot find a key at all and is unable to develop, such as Shess of the Kinnara clan.

Samphati's earlier development seemed fairly normal. She managed to get to 4th stage within 700 years which is only slightly longer than average. Her development to 5th stage, however, was abrupt and unusual.

Little Maruna complains to Samphati that one-sided beatings will hardly help him develop because they cannot be worse than what he went through with Gandharva. Samphati ignores him and states that Maruna must remain in human form. She continues that since the experience he will require is large, she will not grant him any rest, which can be ensured by utilizing recovery transcendentals. Maruna will be allowed to rest only when Samphati's vigor can no longer heal him. Then Samphati lunges at him with a transcendental.

Aside from other advantages, fifth stage rakshasas can restore vigor without eating. During these training sessions, Maruna would have to endure the beatings for a month without pause until her vigor gets drained. Only then did Maruna realize that Gandharva had gone easy on him. Moreover, Maruna felt humiliated for getting beaten up by a rakshasa.

During one such break, Maruna starts wondering about Samphati. Beatings such as these should drive the victim crazy, but shouldn't it drive the assailant crazy as well? He wonders what kind of toll they take on Samphati. Maruna attempts to strike conversation and asks about the feathers she wears in her hair. He quickly regrets because she reveals they belonged to her dead sister. Despite the fact that only 300 years have passed since her death, Samphati has trouble remembering her. Forgetting so quickly should not be possible. Maruna asks if Samphati knows of the culprit and if she got revenge. Instead of answering, Samphati states it is time to continue and proceeds to beat up Maruna.

2-104 poor Maruna

Traumatic training

At that time, Samphati felt like the world's most disgusting, horrible, and wicked woman to Maruna. But then he had no idea who her enemy was or how she felt when training him.

Back in the present, Yuta expresses dismay that his brother suffered through such a difficult time, but Maruna interrupts, stating that this was not the point. He is disturbed that Yuta was not concerned about the claim that he was hiding his real name or the fact that both siblings may die should Maruna fail to develop. He asks if he should interpret Yuta's silence as confirmation.

Maruna then admits that he finds the situation more distressing than all those beatings. Even though he had come this far, he feels lost and doubts if he is heading in the right way. Once more, he asks Yuta if everything about him is a lie, his age, and even the fact that they are brothers.

(5) Yuta proclaims that he never meant to deceive Maruna, that all his actions towards his siblings were sincere, and having a family gave him joy. Maruna does not fail to notice that Yuta did not deny anything.

Yuta regrets that their ideals drifted apart and their reunion turned out so badly, yet he still cares about Maruna and does not wish to fight him or lose him. He admits he is now remembering what he had once forgotten, and that he is a bad person who should no longer be around.

2-105 Maruna catches a snake

Snake for dinner

Suddenly, something makes Yuta alert and he asks if Maruna said something. When Maruna denies this, Yuta suggests that someone must be eavesdropping on them. He says that he can hear someone speaking but cannot tell where it is from. Maruna manages to spot the fleeing spy and catches the snake.

The snake attempts to convince Maruna that he heard nothing and that killing him would be a waste since Maruna has enough vigor and cutting down the number of troops puts their forces at a disadvantage. When Maruna is about to admit truth to these claims, Yuta interrupts and asks if he may eat the sura. Maruna agrees with no hesitation and Yuta hungrily approaches his prey.

Chapter 27: Last Resort/Last Stand[]

(3) Maruna walks up to Yuta and asks if he is done eating. He then comments on Yuta's habit of eating his prey alive. Yuta explains that this allows him to better sate his hunger and kill less as a result, and admits to his hunger getting worse after his development.

Maruna points out how unfortunate it is that Yuta cannot survive without hunting and Yuta expresses resolve that despite this, he does not wish to become a monster who knows nothing but eating.

Maruna admits that Akasha ordered him to bring back both Yuta and Kalavinka because one of them might be the reason for Garuda's collapse. The problem began when the realms got separated and the power of the name got cut off in the human realm. According to Akasha, Garuda may wake up if all siblings return. When Yuta states that Maruna should have said this in the first place, Maruna remembers the rest of Akasha's orders, bringing up the possibility of what happens should Garuda not wake up even after the siblings return.

Yuta promises to locate Kalavinka and open a gate to the sura realm now that Maruna has explained himself to him. Maruna accepts but points out that time is short, as the one who is coming through the gate will most likely show no mercy to Yuta.

Chapter 28: Emergency/Flight[]

(1) Maruna greets Samphati, who had come through the portal. Samphati chastises Maruna for taking so long to get the task done and questions the problem which a god and half dragon could present. Maruna clarifies that he was going easy on Kasak because he may know about Kalavinka.

Samphati threateningly leans in to Maruna and whispers that she is aware that Yuta is on the planet and killing him just might suffice as a solution for waking Garuda, making finding Kalavinka unnecessary.

Yuta wonders why Maruna is taking so long to return. He remembers that Maruna asked him to wait while going to check the portal. Maruna stated he will continue to cooperate with Sagara because there is no guarantee Yuta will be able to solve everything.

2-114 Maruna and Samphati

Maruna saves Yuta

(2) Maruna flies up just as Samphati approaches Yuta, and he yells at her to stop. Thanks to this warning, Yuta manages to fly up and avoid getting crushed by Samphati's stomp which cracks the mountain they were standing on in half.

Maruna jumps in between the two and blocks Samphati, trying to convince her not to resort to this. Yuta uses the opportunity and teleports away. At first, Maruna does not realize what happened and worries that Yuta's disappearance was the work of Samphati, but she quickly explains that what Yuta used was a skill typical for the Taraka clan. She blames Maruna for making her miss her chance and advises Maruna to stop Yuta before he grows into a monster like his mother. Since she does not expect Maruna to kill Yuta himself, she will accomplish this. She asks where she should start looking.

(6) Maruna speaks against pursuing Yuta and points out that nastikas, aside from Akasha, are against this plan. If Garuda wakes up, he would not be happy about learning of the extreme measures that were taken.

Maruna accidentally brings up Yuta's name and then tries to cover it up and convince Samphati not to rush things and focus on Kalavinka. Samphati ignores him and claims she will find Yuta on her own if Maruna refuses to disclose anything.

Chapter 29: Isle of Myths[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 30: Falling Petals[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Chapter 31: Your Justice and Mine[]

2-142 bird people

Maruna flying up to Samphati

(8) Maruna and Samphati observe as the barriers of Rindhallow and Aeroplateau overlap. Maruna complains that "his" worsened state is stretching out the preparations, which gave the humans more time to prepare.

When Samphati asks him, he explains the difficulty that the four overlapping barriers present, as they will be able to recover before they can all be broken. Samphati claims she is able to break them all at the same time in her sura form.

Maruna wonders what her sura form must look like. He had never seen it, but since the sura forms of 5th stage rakshasas look more humanoid, it must look different from his own.

2-150 garuda squad

The main character and the sidekick

(16) Riagara, Pingara, Cloche, Clophe, and Hura are holding a meeting and worrying whether they can all survive the upcoming battle. Samphati and Maruna fly in and comfort them that the Anantas will not be taking part in the attack. They are to protect "him" in the back, and only non-Anantas will fight. This excludes Sagara, who will be required to face Agni as she is the only one resistant to his insight.

The rakshasas insist on accompanying Sagara but Samphati reminds them about how they would be useless with their earth attribute nullified near Aeroplateau. The rakshasas grudgingly accept and Samphati commands Maruna to come with her. Before leaving, Maruna reminds Hura that he is coming too, picks him up, and flies off.

Samphati and Maruna land before Sagara. She asks how her rakshasas took the news and Maruna tells her how reluctant they were to accept. Hura points out that Sagara seems very relaxed considering the danger she is to face, but Sagara feels certain in her transcendentals, especially since she has reclaimed those that she got sealed by Taraka when she helped the Gandharva clan.

Hura states that even with Agni out of the way, Yuta, Kasak, and Gandharva still remain unknown variables. Samphati explains that Hura is to follow orders and work as a distraction. Samphati will deal with everyone except for Agni.

(19) Maruna is flying around in sura form, kept hidden by Hura, who is riding on his back, and drawing the fire of the city turrets, which he successfully evades. Meanwhile, Samphati attacks the city from space, and Sagara distracts Yuta and Agni.

Maruna gets briefly distracted when he notices Agni using his transcendentals at Sagara's location for which Hura criticizes him since they almost get hit by a stray turret bolt. Hura suggests that it would be beneficial for Maruna if both Agni and Sagara died because they are both his enemies. Though Maruna does not deny this, he proclaims that for now, the victor must be Sagara.

2-157 Maruna is hit by Hoti Surya Hoti Indra

Hit by Hoti Surya Hoti Indra

(23) Hura informs Maruna that Samphati has stopped attacking and the pillar of light signifying the upcoming summoning has appeared, deducing that Sagara must have succeeding and a Kubera was killed. Maruna points out that the barriers never got broken and surmises that the one who killed the Kubera must have been "that magician" again. This person may turn out to be the most troublesome enemy for both sides and Maruna should have killed them when he first encountered them on Carte. They must have stolen power from this Kubera they killed this time as well.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes Maruna's back, takes one of Hura's lives, and undoes the cloaking skill that was keeping them hidden. Hura voices admiration at the power of that magic and the fact it was even able to hit. Maruna decides that it is time to fall back. The goal has been obtained and if Samphati has also retreated, then there is no reason to continue.

2-160 maruna

Worried about Samphati

(26) Maruna, now back in his human form, reconvenes with Cloche and Riagara, and he is disconcerted to learn that Samphati has not returned. The two Ananta rakshasas are more worried about the fact that Sagara is not back yet either. Maruna assures them that Sagara is sure to return unharmed because, in her cowardice, she is using his little brother as a shield. When he turns his back and leaves, Hura comments that he must be seething inside because of how he saw his brother being used like that.

(27) Maruna notices that Agni, Chandra, and Kasak are flying up into space where Samphati was supposed to be. He realizes that this must mean Samphati got paralyzed and did not stop her attacks willingly. The three of them must be heading out to kill her. Maruna weighs his options: he has little chance of flying to her in time and being of assistance, so he decides to attack the city barriers and force the gods to return.

(28) Maruna throws attack upon attack at the barriers, managing to crack some layers. He is standing nearby in his human form, so the turrets do not react to him.

Suddenly, a bolt of light shoots at him. Maruna evades and scoffs at how meaningless such a badly aimed attack was. Just as the path of the shot begins to stir into a powerful whirlwind, Gandharva jumps in, calling Maruna a fool, and throws him aside. The whirlwind devastates much of the area.

2-163 maruna begs for help

Begging for help

(29) Gandharva chastises Maruna for trying to get himself killed by staying in human form when there are two gods around. Gandharva tells Maruna to leave if he wants to live, to stay away from the summoning site and from the range of the gods, because if Maruna stays, he will die no matter what side he is on. He suggests that "he" never meant to keep his promise to Maruna and help him find his siblings. If "he" could play Gandharva as he did, why does Maruna believe it would be different for him? Moreover, once the Anantas achieve their goal, Maruna becomes nothing but a useless card to them. Proof being that they have not come to help him now.

Maruna gets down on his knees and begs Gandharva to help him save Samphati, who was left above to get killed. When Gandharva states he cares little for a rakshasa he has never even met, Maruna emphasizes Samphati's importance to the clan of Garuda, Gandharva's friend. Eventually, Gandharva folds, however, since he does not have the power to fight in space, they will have to present enough of a threat to the cities to get the gods to return.

2-164 maruna and gandharva

Saving Samphati

(30) Gandharva and Maruna combine their efforts and pummel the city barriers with attacks. Gandharva warns Maruna to always stop if only one barrier is left and allow for the other barriers to get restored. This is the condition for his help. They are successful and Agni returns to the city.

Chapter 32: Loser[]

(9) Agni fires a powerful bolt of fiery wind at Gandharva. Gandharva manages to evade, only getting his cloak scraped, but Maruna notices that Gandharva's arm is missing. Gandharva comforts him that this happened even before he arrived here and it will regenerate shortly. Then he comments on Agni taking a penalty by using the item of another god. Agni must be getting anxious since Sagara's plan is nearing completion. Maruna brings up that Samphati should have escaped by now, and so he and Gandharva agree to retreat.

Chapter 33: Asha[]

2-175 mother and daughter 2

Asha's destroyed village

(2) In N5 on Carte, water flooded the planet, killing 20 million people. Of those who sought higher ground, 400 thousand were killed in red sky attacks. Such a fate also befell the mother of Asha Rahiro, only the woman's head was found. Shortly after, Asha's whole village got destroyed by the red sky attacks, all the inhabitants killed, including Asha's last remaining family.

Chapter 34: What Remains[]

Maruna does not appear in this chapter.

Extra: Season 2 Epilogue[]

2-E Maruna

Living in a Half village

(3) The summoning of Ananta, which Sagara had attempted with "his" help, had failed, and everyone who was present at the summoning ground has disappeared from existence and memory.

Gandharva and Maruna are living in a half village, posing as halfs. Maruna, wearing overalls and a ponytail, complains about his situation and asks about the rakshasas he can remember - Samphati, Hura, Cloche, and Clophe. Gandharva tells him that Shess is posing as a half in Atera and suggests they need to stay hidden because getting found out by Agni and Chandra, the second strongest duo of gods, would put them in danger.

When Maruna gets criticized for not working hard enough, he starts plotting against the chef that made the stupid vegetables he was just forced to eat, only to learn that Gandharva had been working in the kitchen. Maruna abruptly apologizes.

