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You might understand once you grow a little older. That I wanted to protect both Sagara's dreams, and her love.
– Vasuki to Riagara[1]

Vasuki is a sura of the Ananta clan. She is currently in the sura realm in female form. In his usual male form he is the strongest of his clan, but is remaining female for various reasons, primarily because of her love for Sagara. Her nickname is Huia.[1]


In her female form, Vasuki looks like a somewhat masculine woman with a tanned skin tone. She has long, red, messy hair partially tied in a ponytail, thin black eyebrows, and red eyes with circular pupils[2] (unlike the vertical, snake-like pupils of the other Ananta suras shown in the webtoon so far). She has eight distinctive lines that run downwards on the skin of the face and neck, that make the head appear fragmented. Her clothing is composed of a dark gray shirt, and black trousers with a black belt, that appears to have a metal chain on the lower part. She also wears metal chains around her wrists. On top she wears an open thin black jacket with long sleeves. She is described as not being very graceful in her female form.

In his male form he is shown wearing the same clothes but is more muscular.

In his sura form he has nine armored heads with colorful horns. It looks like a snake from the neck to the mane, but his limbs make him seem no different from a dragon.


Vasuki appears to have a carefree and a taunting personality. Beneath this attitude he is shown to be very clever and perceptive. He seems to not care much about high positions and responsibilities, but takes his relationships seriously. He is very protective of his friends and family. However, Vasuki's approach to life often drives others mad.

Skills and Abilities[]

Vasuki has two known unique transcendentals, one of which duplicated by Agni (Nine Snakes of Hell):

  • Nine Snakes of Hell: The original skill has both Earth and Fire attributes and summons nine "snakes"—four fire snakes, four earth snakes, and one with both attributes. The one copied by Agni can only summon four.
  • Ancient Judgement: It is a powerful, inconspicuous transcendental (of unknown attributes) that even a graze is enough to kill a god.[3] Due to how powerful it is, Agni tried to acquire it to no avail as he was never able to survive its blow. Unlike Nine Snakes of Hell, Vayu cannot counter Ancient Judgement.[4]


  • She lives with Riagara and Taksaka in the latter's nest. When she started living with Tak, there were rumors they were dating.
  • She is best friends with Taksaka and is one of three individuals allowed to call him Tak.
  • When Sagara is about to bring the gods' wrath on her clan, the only one for whom she feels regretful is Vasuki.[5]
  • It is confirmed that Riagara is the daughter of Vasuki and Sagara in Episode 3-126, where Pingara claims that since Sagara would have no affection left for her former lover, Vasuki, their child, Riagara, would also be no better than a stranger to her.
  • There used to be a cult worshipping Vasuki on Willarv.[6]
  • Although Manasvin and Vasuki are rivals they are not jealous of each other or on bad terms.[7]



1-51 Vasuki's family

Living with Tak and Ria

Vasuki is the second strongest nastika of the Ananta clan and he had lived in his male form since the beginning.[1] He was a lover to Sagara and they had a child together, Riagara.[8] However, they split up more than 600 years ago for reasons that are as of yet unknown.[1] He is also a close friend to Taksaka and has been living in his nest for a long time with the intention of holding back Taksaka's anger.[6]

In D500, when Ananta was in danger, Vasuki went out to save him.[9] However, he was defeated and had to be rescued by Taksaka. For some reason, Sagara interprets Vasuki's behavior as cowardice and abandoning Ananta.[1]

To avoid becoming king, as the next strongest nastika in line, Vasuki changed to female form and has stayed in this form ever since. She was supportive of Sagara taking the throne some time after the Cataclysm.[10]

The Finite[]

Near the beginning of the universe, Vasuki met Taksaka. The dragon had gone berserk and entered the Ananta territory. Realizing Tak had not gotten used to the change imposed on the Vritra clan by the primeval gods, Ananta sent Vasuki to talk to Tak. The #2 at the time of the Ananta clan offered to stay close to the Vrtitra nastika in order to stop him when he could not control his anger, avoiding pointless attacks and problems for Tak. As a result, they started living together in Taksaka's nest. He was present when Utpala returned looking for Tak and was shown laughing at the dragon's behavior.[6]

Season 1[]

Chapter 8: The Wavering King[]

1-51 Sagara hitting Vasuki

Sagara upset with Vasuki

(1) Upon Ananta's death, Manasvin urges Sagara to return to Vasuki, since he is next in line to become king and she has always craved a position of power in the clan. She then pays a visit to Vasuki at Taksaka's nest, but Vasuki quickly drives her mad with her laid-back attitude about having taken female form. After Sagara leaves, Vasuki reveals she purposely took female form to avoid the succession of the throne, so that Sagara could obtain the power she wanted and remain with Manasvin (her current lover).

1-55 Vasuki


(5) Ananta clan members in the sura realm have pressured Vasuki to kill Sagara so he/she can become king, because Sagara is a weakling who took the throne by unconventional means. Vasuki refuses, and is the only clan member in the sura realm who supports her as king. In fact, it is only due to Vasuki's protection that Sagara is able to keep her throne, as other clan members fear her retribution if they were to harm her.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

1-73 Vasuki, Riagara, and Taksaka

Strength competition

(10) At one point in time, she competes with Taksaka to see who is stronger of the two. Afterwards, she makes fun of Tak's "freakish skill" and jokes about the possibility of Tak having little dragons who can use invisible fire. Tak has no such plans.

(11) Riagara spoke of Taksaka entrusting Vasuki to take care of his nest while he responded to Visnu's request for company on Willarv where the dragon was rumored to have fallen in love with a human whom he married and had a son with.

1-77 vasuki


(14) When Sagara is about to take a course of action that would endanger her clan, she thinks about Vasuki, the only one who ever listened to her, even if he abandoned Ananta. She says that Vasuki is the only reason she feels any guilt but is comforted by the fact that Vasuki should stay safe since she is with Taksaka.

(17)(18) Agni uses the Nine Snakes transcendental, which is one of Vasuki's unique transcendentals, to chase down the snakes responsible for destroying Atera. Agni has a special sword which allows him to learn fire-based transcendentals if he survives getting hit by them.[11] The choice of transcendental seems to anger Sagara who believes Agni used it purposefully knowing that Vasuki is her ex-lover.

Season 2[]

Chapter 20: Grudge/Enmity[]

(5) In D500, when Ananta was in danger, Vasuki went ahead to rescue Ananta while his clanmates attempted to gather allies.

Season 3[]

Chapter 48: Separation[]

(6) Pingara claims that Sagara has lost all affection for Vasuki. A child born between oneself and a past lover is as good as a stranger to a nastika. That is why Pingara believes that Sagara does not acknowledge Riagara as her child, despite Riagara being older than Pingara.

Season 3[]

Special Episode 6 - News[]

News - Play with me

Happy to see Manasvin

(1) In D875, Manasvin visits Vasuki at Taksaka's nest to hand over a letter from Riagara. Vasuki was bored and lonely since Taksaka is off "playing house" in the human realm.

Riagara writes about how she visited Clophe and Cloche at their home in the human realm along with Pingara. However, the experience went sour when the whole galaxy was destroyed by a suicidal nastika, forcing the suras to evacuate and leading to the death of many upanis.

News - Father and daughter

Playing with Riagara

Riagara also expresses gratitude to Vasuki for having kept her by her side when she was little, since it is rare for a nastika parent to care about their offspring. Vasuki feels like she should be the one thanking Riagara since if it were not for her, she would have committed suicide already.

