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Claude thinks they should return to the temple, but Yuta is unwilling to move from where he's standing. Finally, Claude tells him that waiting too long to take action might result in someone's death—the girl he wants (Leez), his sponsor Asha, or even someone else. He asks him if that is really what he wants.

Still regenerating, "Leez" takes a swing at Maruna with the Sword of Return. He dodges, but he is surprised at the amount of growth she has achieved in just a few months. Still, he deduces that she is out of vigor, and prepares another transcendental attack to finish her off. In response, she provokes him into raising the power of his attack. Mentally, she reveals that although humans are thought to have less vigor than gods or suras, in reality they can recover vigor faster when they are happy. Thus, depending on their mindset, their vigor could be infinite. As Maruna fires his attack, the Golden Knight turns black to activate its Counterattack transcendental. Suddenly, the attacks fizzle out. Yuta stands there, pleading with them to stop.

Zard Blain observes that rakshasas are attacking the temple, but the upanis do not seem to be attacking seriously, making him wonder what it is the suras want. He also learns that Teo had sent a request for aid to Eloth because she was afraid they had a situation similar to Atera, and that help is already on its way.

Outside of Kalibloom, a group of magicians asks their CEO, who is wearing the Hide of Bondage, why they are heading to the city even though the request was not an official one, and he replies that it is because his younger brother is there.

Currygom's comment[]

Let's have a good time next year, too. Happy New Year!


Blog link Date: 2013.12.30  23:30 Category: Episodes Translated by: Unknown

(Pic of Claude)

(Text is not translated)

(Leez regenerating while holding the Sword of Return)

  • A lot of you wanted Leez's clothes to disappear! You seem like you're seeing the transcendental for the first time! The healing from this transcendental (Regeneration) is different from Hoti Asvins, and it even removes the blood from her clothes, which are good as new. When her head was sliced open with Bhavati Marut (in Episode 2-38), even her ponytails cleanly regenerated... (Remaining text is not translated)

(Maruna attacking with transcendental)

  • (Text is not translated)

(Night sky)

  • There is a desert between Eloth and Kalibloom. It's really warm in the afternoon, and very cold at night. It takes a long time to travel across by normal means.. But if you hire many magicians who can use Hoti Vayu, then you can travel more quickly. But you can't teleport somewhere instantly. Lots of time is needed in finding a suitable spot where you can see far in the distance, to group everyone together holding hands, and to make difficult calculations. With an especially large number of people like this, you have to move using very precise plans. If you don't, you only get confused and then waste a day, haha.
  • Why are you guys saying that Lutz is Lorraine's fiance? I never heard this before? It seems to be a misunderstanding since Lorraine's fiance has never been shown. (Remaining text is not translated)

I wish you all a Happy New Year!!


  • Humans recover vigor faster when they are happy. This was already mentioned in Season 1.[1] In her normal state, Leez may already be capable of recovering vigor faster using this method: the Golden Knight flickered on and off while she was climbing the pillar (possible due to rapid vigor depletion and replenishing),[2] and her vigor recovered very fast against Sagara.[3]
  • The magicians and fighters wonder what the suras are up to. Claude believes that they were planning to keep the city hostage and threaten Siera in case he refuses to give them God Kubera's items.[4] However, the security was off, and Siera fainted,[5] so they did not need to seriously carry out the threat.
  • Zard learns here that Teo had sent for backup. Teo was fully aware of Gandharva's identity, so she must have prepared this back-up plan.
  • Ran sent Lutz the Hide of Bondage a while ago to get it modified.[2]

