Kubera Wiki

Overview Skills and Abilities History Plot Relationships

Season 1[]

(P) 'Protection' and 'Love' are the two themes that Yuta shares with Kubera Leez in the prologue of Season 1.

Chapter 6: The Past I Yearn For[]

(1) Maruna recollects that his father, Garuda, had three friends, whom he entrusted his children to when he could no longer take care of them himself. Maruna went to Gandharva, the second to Shuri, and the third the primeval god Visnu.

Chapter 7: Half (半)[]

1-43 sura and boy

(1) In a forest in the vicinity of Mistyshore, a strange boy wearing an off-white cape and carrying a wrapped sword is peacefully walking with birds until he encounters a large, snake-like sura baring its long, sharp teeth. The boy merely smiles up at it, exposing his own sharp teeth.

1-44 intimidation

(2) The boy steps out from behind some trees, covering his mouth. When he tries to attract the birds again, they fly away instead, leaving him alone.

After sunset, in a nearby town where Asha and Leez are staying, the boy appears at a half auction and tries to intimidate the man trying to sell a Garuda clan half as food, without saying a word. The auctioneer dismisses the boy's action causing him to grip his sword tighter.

As Asha talks with a hotel clerk, a clamor could be heard outside, with someone yelling that a half has run away.

1-45 mumble garble

(3) In a flashback, the boy has upset some Yaksha clan suras because he had eaten a Garuda clan sura, and they want to kill him before he grows stronger and eats them as well. Shuri tells them to give him some time.

While on the run, the Garuda half asks the boy if she can rest because the necklace her captors put on her is making her tired. The boy rips the necklace in response. She asks if he is a half as well, and invites him to a meal at her village as a thank-you. She barely finishes talking when half hunters suddenly appear and strike her down with hoti marut.

The boy recalls how Shuri taught him what he should eat (suras that attack him) and what he should not (humans). While the hunters are congratulating themselves, the boy prepares to maim them without actually eating them as his eyes turn red. Leez arrives at the scene and punches a hunter when he threatens her, sending him flying. The boy's eyes return back to normal and speechlessly looks on.

1-46 love at first sight

(4) The hunters think that both Leez and the boy are plotting to steal the half to sell themselves, and decide to discretely dispose of them. However, Asha appears, threatens them, and they run off. Leez explains to Asha that it was the boy who took the half from the auction and not her. As Leez grabs the boy and begs him to corroborate her story, Asha sees that the half is still alive and heals her. Leez is happy that the half will be okay and lets go of the boy, who stares back at Leez in glowing light with a strange expression.

Asha and Leez take both the injured half and the boy back to their hotel. As Leez leads the way out to dinner, Asha turns to the boy and asks him to explain himself and why he never talks.

1-47 horrifying vegetables

(5) The three go to the hotel restaurant for dinner. Leez takes and looks at the menu intently, but Asha swipes it from her hands as she'll be the one to order since she's paying. Leez whispers to the boy that Asha has weird tastes and hopes she orders something normal.

Asha orders everyone an all-vegetarian meal. Asha closely watches the boy, who at first seems hesitant to eat, but after Leez complains about people who waste food, he gulps down the food on his plate. Asha takes note that the boy wasn't enthusiastic when he stopped Leez from trying to order more vegetarian food for him.

Still suspicious of the boy and his intentions, once they return to their hotel room, Asha asks Leez where the boy went, and she replies that he wrote down he can't speak and will be out for some fresh air.

Asha searches and finds him in an alley throwing up his dinner, and notes that his insides are black. She deduces that he is a superior sura, likely a 3rd-stage upani, but wonders why he is trying to pass off as a human. The boy scrawls in the dirt, threatening Asha if she tells anyone. She scoffs at this, saying she could easily defeat an upani below 5th stage. The boy then writes in the dirt that he is a rakshasa, surprising Asha.

1-48 extreme embarrassment

(6) Back at the hotel, as Asha returns with the boy, Leez jumps out of the shower to ask Asha for another bottle of shampoo. The boy hides his face in embarrassment.

As Asha lectures Leez later, she goes along with the boy's pretense and explains that he is a half who is much older than her despite his youthful appearance. The boy just awkwardly watches in silence.

Later, outside on the balcony, Asha tosses the boy a notebook and a pencil, and suggests that he continues to pose as a half since Leez hates superior suras, with her as his sponsor. He asks where they are headed, and learns that their destination is Mistyshore. The boy reveals that he is headed for Kalibloom to get the Sword of Return, and this surprises Asha, who asks him why he wants the sword. He replies that he was stranded in the human realm after the Cataclysm and he would like to use the sword's hidden function of opening a gate to the sura realm, so he can reunite with his family. He is happy to learn that they are going to try for the sword as well, which means that they will be traveling together for a while. When the boy offers to give them the sword after he is done with it, Asha remarks that the sword cannot change ownership until the owner dies, but he informs her that the rules of the sword do not apply to him. When Asha voices her doubts around the circumstances of their meeting, the boy tries to reassure her that he has only arrive to Willarv recently. Asha is still suspicious, but doesn't refuse him.

The next day, Leez is happy at the news of their new companion, and asks for his name. Asha explains that he cannot tell them his real name for personal reasons, but she came up with three possible new names: Blackie, Whitie, and Spotty. Leez thinks the names are awful and offers to come up with something herself.

1-49 he can fly

(7) Asha goes to Leez to tell her that they should get going since the half is awake. When she finds Leez struggling with what to name the black-haired boy, Asha recommends she not take it seriously and go with 'Spotty'.

The group escorts the grateful Garuda half out of town, but she turns down Leez's offer to have Asha teleport her back to her village because she wants to keep its location a secret from humans, so the boy offers to take her home. Asha cautions him to keep a low profile, making Leez suspicious that they are keeping something from her.

Once the boy and the half reach an uninhabited area, he brings out his mismatched wings—the left with black feathers, and the right which is white and bat-like with red veins. He recalls a conversation with his brother in which he complains about his mismatched wings, but his brother tells him that they are cool and the others are jealous, encourages him to always flow towards the light of his Garuda half, and endure and persevere through the difficulties of his Chaos half.

1-50 first sighting of Mistyshore

(8) The boy flies with the half at high speed the rest of the way to her village, returning her safely. Rinn goes to her village, but without the boy with her. She holds out one of Yuta's black feather when she indicates to her villagers that she was caught by half hunters, but was saved by someone kind-hearted. The villagers look at the feather and envision a rare Garuda half with wings. Rinn starts to explain they're wrong, but stops halfway. She confirms to the others that Yuta is a "half" with beautiful wings.

The boy catches up with Asha and Leez at sunset the next day. With Leez left quite a ways away out of earshot, Asha suggests that he might be better off traveling alone since he would get to his destination much faster without them, and he would not have to pretend that he is a half, but he tells her everything is fine.

The next morning, Leez gives him the name Yuta after staying up all night coming up with a list of names. The boy immediately accepts it. He asks Leez if she came up with the name on her own, suggesting that it may be close to his own name. As the three prepare to teleport across the water to Mistyshore, Yuta grabs at Asha's right arm, but then realizes there is no arm, which brings a sad look to his face. He then hugs Asha around her waist, and they teleport away.

Chapter 8: The Wavering King[]

(2) From land, Yuta hears the faint cries of someone from the sea as they're fighting. Asha tells him to dismiss it, explaining it's likely the city wiping out the nearby agitated Gandharva suras as a precautionary measure. Leez agrees, telling him they should focus getting to Mistyshore's checkpoint. Still, Yuta hears the voice cursing and casting hoti kubera.

After the group was cut in line by a rude and unpleasant man named Ran just when they were up next at the checkpoint line up, Asha diabolically announces that she saw and remembered all his personal personal information on the monitor as he was being screened, and will use that information by tracking him down and having a "friendly conversation. All Leez and Yuta can do is stare nervously.

(4) Yuta leaves Mistyshore's Magic Guild, where the group is staying at, without telling Leez.

Yuta sits on the roof top of a building. He is being coaxed by an onlooker begging him to come down, but he is too deep in his thoughts to pay attention. Yuta thinks back to Shuri teaching him to guard himself from feeling too much emotion. It is revealed Yuta is a king, and as king, he must know "the way of a king" and maintain an unwavering character. Yuta's reflections are interrupted when he hears the call for help from a Gandharva Half who was bought and later killed by humans in the woods near the city. Seeing the corpse made his self-control slip a bit, making him hurt the killers in retaliation for the Half's painful death. This event led to his first meeting with Agwen and Kasak Rajof, who were on their way to Mistyshore for Agwen's new job as Ran Sairofe's teacher at the local University of Magic.

(5) Agwen attempts to capture Yuta with hoti brahma, but her spell mysteriously fail and he flees. Afraid of what Yuta could do, Agwen forces Kasak to pursue him. Kasak analyzes the situation and tells Agwen the truth of what actually happened and that Yuta is not a regular human half, but is a half of Garuda and Taraka heritage.

Kasak takes full sura form and approaches Yuta from behind, informing him he knows his true heritage.

(6) Yuta has a flashback of Taraka mocking the principles of "the Way of a King." She tells her son it's absurd for a king to hide their true feelings to be be considered a proper king. She instructs Yuta that the only qualities to be her successor is to do what he wants, eat what he wants, and to stand atop of the food chain. Their clan, after all, rejects law and order.

Yuta has a different flashback of Shuri telling him she knows he broke their promise again. She, however, won't punish him, but instead asks that he consider her words carefully. Shuri encourages him to follow "the Ways of a King," even if no one were to believe in him. She will remind him, and remain faithful, in his possibility of one day conquering his instincts. Yuta, calling Shuri mom, promises that he'll control himself.

Back in the present, Kasak calmly talks to Yuta, praising him for his self control until Yuta confirms his speculations. Yuta vehemently rejects his Chaos side and claims he only belongs to the Garuda clan.

At Mistyshore University, Asha and Rana are made aware of Kasak confronting Yuta due to a crowd causing a commotion over seeing Kasak's sura form. However, Asha knows Yuta won't escalate the situation because he knows of the burden it would cause her as his sponsor, and leaves it to Yuta to handle it himself.

(7) Kasak thanks Yuta for easily confirming his speculations since he was unsure considering that it should be theoretically impossible for a sura to be born from two different clans. He remarks that Yuta is a classic example of how a sura's mental age corresponds to their stage of development, not their actual age. When Kasak asks Yuta what stage he's in, Yuta replies second. Kasak asks him what he has been doing since it's normally easy for suras to reach third stage. Yuta tells him to back off since slow development just means he'll be much stronger in his next stage. He reminds Kasak that he's a rakshasa who's older than him, therefore should be treated with respect. Kasak yells "So what!" And that as a dragon half, he is of equal rank to a rakshasa. Yuta tells him that he's aware of that, he just wants to be treated with more respect than what Kasak is giving him. Kasak tells him to grow up if that's the case, or else he stay a little kid forever. He concludes that Visnu must have had his reasons to leave Yuta in the human realm.

In a flashback, Kasak recalls Visnu foretelling a younger him that he will meet someone who is of two halves that is both younger and older than him. On their first meeting, Visnu tells Kasak that he would be the superior, but on the second...

Kasak hints to bear information on Yuta's family from when Visnu spoke of Yuta. Yuta tries to get him to divulge more, but is dismayed when Kasak runs out of vigor, forcing the dragon half to return to his human form and fall asleep on a nearby rock.

Chapter 9: Rival[]

(1) As Asha and Leez are having a small quarrel, they are interrupted by a crowd outside fawning over Mr. Kasak. Mistaking Yuta to be the cause, Leez asks Asha where Yuta, who has been missing all day, is. Gazing out of the window, Asha calls out Leez's disregard of Yuta and asks her if he means little to her. Bothered by Asha's non-answer, Leez repeats her question again. Asha tells her not to worry as Yuta is outside. She tells Leez they should get going as Yuta is looking funny.

(2) That evening, after Agwen deposited her father's unconscious body on his hotel room bed, invites Asha's group to a meat buffet dinner, much to Yuta's happiness, who could finally snatch away his favorite food (raw meat). Agwen also acknowledges Yuta for carrying her and her father's luggages to their lodging.

(3) Agwen buys a meat buffet for Yuta and Leez. While Agwen talks with Asha, Leez happily devours the cooked meat while Yuta secretly eats all of the raw ones. With his stronger hearing, Yuta halts when he hears Rana reveal to Asha that Ran is scared of halfs, what Yuta is pretending to be. Before going on their trip, Asha would have to decide between finding someone else for the quest, or leave their "half" friend behind.

(4) After they finish dinner and have returned to their room, Asha is disturbed to see Leez all blissful even after having two dinners for the night. Asha turns her attention to Yuta. She examines his teeth and remarks that with his teeth and black blood, it would be difficult for them to masquerade Yuta as a pure-blood for the trip's duration without being discovered by Ran. Leez, realizing that Ran has a problem with Halfs, insists on Yuta staying with them because he has been with them longer. Asha agrees and admits they can try to look for a different magician as an alternative, but that would be time consuming. As Asha starts to leave to bid Agwen goodbye, Leez points out that it would mean Kasak going to join her and leave as well. The news causes Yuta to hastily ran to Kasak's hotel room intending to ask him about his siblings.

On his way to see Mr. Kasak, Yuta overhears Agwen yelling at a guild employee who insists they can only sell cooked meat. Agwen orders her to deliver it all raw and uncut or else she will take her to magician's court because she is delaying their departure. She then asks the employee to tell her where all the jerky is stored so she can get it herself.

Yuta later storms in to Kasak's room to find more information on his siblings. However, Kasak refuses to talk about them, and instead informs Yuta of his earrings, a god-class item capable of suppressing his non-human characteristics. Since Ran (the new companion Asha picked up for traveling through the Water Channel) is scared of Halfs, and Yuta can't pass as a human because of his teeth, he chooses to borrow the earrings for now. As he's leaving, Yuta promises Kasak that once he develops, he'll force the information about his siblings out from him.

Kasak recalls Visnu telling him that although he has revealed many truths, the choice will always be up to Kasak. That is why Visnu will not tell him about the consequences of his decisions. Yuta may be Kasak's enemy, and in such a case, it would be better to kill him during their first encounter, since after he develops, it will not be nearly as easy.

Kasak reflects he'll likely regret his decision, however, he admits his curiosity to see an older Yuta is greater.

(5) Asha, Leez, and Yuta make their way to the entrance of the Water Channel on the Hour of Creation. Leez praises Yuta for finding earrings that give him human qualities. However, Yuta feels sick because she fed him ten cucumbers before they left, and runs off to secretly throw it up. Asha notes that the earrings doesn't change the sura user's digestive system, making it as good as useless.

(6) When Yuta shows up to introduce himself inside the Water Channel from out of nowhere, Ran questions Asha how she ended up being the guardian to two kids. Asha detachedly says it just somehow happened. Overwhelmed by many revelations, Ran (wrongly) concludes that Asha is a shady character for dragging two kids around.

At the Channel's waters, Asha creates a boat using hoti brahma. When Ran points out the boat will disappear when the spell wears, Asha tells him that they just have to get to the next section quickly. Eventually, Asha pointedly remarks to Yuta and Leez that Ran is a lousy, incompetent man for hesitating to get on the boat. Ran is successfully peer-pressured to get on and navigate the boat.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

(4) When Maruna starts to doubt his actions, he recalls a young Yuta promising him they meet someday again when they're taller and stronger. The memory reignites Maruna's convictions.

(7) Noticing Agwen's state of discomfort over his lost earrings, Kasak calms his daughter by telling her he just temporarily lent it to someone.

(11) Through Maruna's flashback from his childhood, he admits to Yuta that he's jealous of him for having Shuri as a guardian. Maruna tells his younger brother to listen to Shuri and watch what he eats. As the eldest and being the only child for a long time, Maruna confesses that he'll miss his siblings but promises they'll be together again one day. Until then, he tells his siblings to stay strong. Yuta replies that he stay strong as well.

(19) In a flashback to D925, a young Kasak and Kalavinka talk about their respective families. Kalavinka reveals to the half that she has older brothers and that her family can't be reunited due to the "Power of Name."

(20) Back at the entrance of the Water Channel, while Atera was struggling against Sagara's forces, Asha was bullying Ran into navigating the boat. She used Ran as an example of a scared, and potentially lousy and incompetetant man, to Leez and Yuta.

Chapter 11: The Power of the Name[]

(1) Yuta neutrally observes Leez as she unceramoniously picks her ear and sings about her earwax.

(2) The groups continues traveling for a week until, under Asha's guidiance, they decide to rest before entering Area 51 where the journey becomes more difficult. The travel, along with feigning to be human, has taken a toll on Yuta who is starting to feel and show the malnutrition not only on him, but also on Kasak's earring which is starting to crack. When Ran inquires why the journey becomes more dangerous, Asha specifies that there are suras in Area 51 and beyond, making Yuta perk up, but Ran horrified. Ran's hesitation earns him teasing from Leez who calls him a scaredy-cat and a weakling for not being able to tolerate the cold. To support her point, Leez compares how much layers of clothes Ran has to that of her's and Yuta's. In frustration, Ran swears he's not and will even strip his clothes off to prove it. Asha stares murderously at Ran, forcing him to backtrack his words.

While Asha and Ran sleep, Leez is restless and decides to take a bath elsewhere in the Channel, and notices Yuta is gone as well. She makes a mental note to keep her ears open to avoid stumbling on him while he's bathing.

(3) Inside the Water Channel, Yuta hunted for suras to eat as the rest of his group slept, but because he ate them alive, they made enough noise to catch Leez's attention. In her head, she pictures him struggling to swim – which she finds ridiculous considering his "half" heritage. However, she grabs her clothes and sprints toward the origins of the splashing noise.

Leez gets to the chamber where Yuta is and calls out for him. She yells out that if he's here, but hiding from her due to his nudity, she promises him it won't bother her. She then remembers he can't talk, and apologizes if she disturbed his bath before turning to leave. However, the sura Yuta captured renews his struggle against the rakshasa, forcing Leez to look back suspiciously. She eyes her surroundings carefully, but finds neither Yuta nor any disturbances in the water. She guesses there's a sura hidden from her view, and that the Channel's geography has changed. Leez attempts to go back to the campsite to inform Asha, but falters when she thinks about putting Yuta in danger. With her bracelet activated, Leez jumps into the water where she catches sight of a half-eaten Gandharva. She sends a quick prayer that Yuta is safe somewhere.

Hidden from view, a surafied Yuta watches Leez as she swims by. He contemplates the idea of revealing his true identity to her, but Kubera, in his child form, appears behind him to chastise his plan. The god then berates the rakshasa for his odd eating habits, but promises to set aside their differences to provide distraction for him to slip away quietly.

(4) Leez, lost deep in the Water Channel, is offered a helping hand by God Kubera so long as she’ll answer the question he left her with the last they met: Does she want to live a painful life, or die here and now? When Leez jestfully plays with the idea of her choosing not to live, Kubera agrees that her dying isn’t so bad. He acknowledges that although she has found more reasons to live (Asha, Yuta, and Ran) than when he first proposed the question to her, if she bases her decision on those few reasons, she will end up regretting her choices.

Yuta managed to avoid being seen by a curious Leez due Kubera's help in distracting her. Unexpectedly, Kasak's earrings broke, which Yuta attributed to his stepmother, Taraka, and saw this as her way of pulling him towards the side of Chaos.

(5) Somewhere in the Water Channel, Yuta is upset at his mother for destroying Kasak's earrings – a supposedly powerful god-level item forged by primeval god Visnu himself – in order to drag him back to the Chaos Clan. He asks himself this because he knows they both know he is not needed there.

After Kubera drops Leez off near the group's campsite, the god asks her why she asked him to take her there instead of Kalibloom, her final destination. Leez responds why would she when Asha, Yuta, and Ran are all here.

When Leez meets up with her group, an irate Asha greets her and forces her to sit down so they could have a talk about the dangers of wandering off by yourself without informing anyone. Yuta remains silent with a bleak expression as he looks down.

Chapter 12: Lies for You[]

As the group's boat neared the channel exit, they were approached by a Chaos sura and Yuta saw that his stepmother was nearby. To avoid having anyone else hurt, he urged everyone (in writing) to disregard him and proceed to the exit, then left the boat to meet Taraka, who took Yuta away using the Water Channel of Carte. Taraka revealed that she would take her son back to the sura realm, and described Yuta's love for Leez as a "twisted form of suppressed hunger." Leez caught up with them and fought Taraka until she ran out of vigor, at which point Taraka slammed her into the side of the mountain.


Yuta's 2nd stage sura form

An angry Yuta transformed and attacked Taraka, quickly subduing her. He made her realize she was only a creation of Kali, embedded with the goddess' memories. After ferrying Ran and an unconscious Leez to saftey, Yuta revealed himself to Ran as a superior sura and waited for Asha's arrival before going back to deal with his stepmother. Taraka finally accepted her role and realized how difficult she had made Yuta's life. Intending to be a better mother, she let him remain in the human realm. Before leaving, Taraka warned Yuta about an Insight she had, where she saw him attacking Leez in a few years. Despite the warning, Yuta chose to remain with his group and continued to travel with them to Kalibloom.

Season 2[]

Chapter 13: Lost[]

As the group approached Kalibloom, Yuta realized they were being spied upon. The culprit, Riche Seiran, decided to kidnap him with the Hide of Bondage after measuring his transcendental value at 1350. However, the Hide targeted an unknown person in the group instead with a much higher transcendental value, which prompted Yuta to hand over his sword to Leez, causing the Hide to switch over to Yuta and capture him.

Chapter 14: Blood/Hide[]

At her residence in Kalibloom, Riche observed Yuta's black blood and deduced he was a Chaos Half. Asha soon arrived to recover Yuta, but he managed to escape from the locked basement on his own. However, he went berserk in the process and consumed Asha's left hand, forcing her to use hoti visnu to save herself. Before leaving, they intimidated Riche into giving them both the Neutral Bow and the Hide of Bondage. Out on their hotel balcony, Leez expressed sadness that their party would soon become smaller since Yuta and Ran would no longer have a reason to stay with her and Asha; Yuta responded that he would remain with her as long as she wanted.

Chapter 15: The Weapon of a God[]

2-18 hug

Yuta carries Leez over the chasm[1]

During their trek to the Earth Temple, Leez attempted to jump across a wide chasm ahead of Yuta, but her bracelet turned off just before she launched herself and she began to fall. Yuta lifted her up from behind and quickly flew her across the rest of the way. He hid his wings immediately upon landing, but Leez spotted a telltale black feather floating away.

At the Temple of Earth, Leez was about to ask Claude Yui for directions when Yuta glared at him and pulled Leez in another direction.

Later that evening, back at their hotel, Ran and Yuta fooled around with the Neutral Bow when Yuta unexpectedly activated and fired it, destroying one of the city's pillars. During the chaos that followed and once Asha had returned to deal with the situation, Leez and Ran began arguing over the bow.

Chapter 16: Caution[]

Yuta was leaving from the direction of Leez's room when he encountered Ran in the hallway, prompting Ran to call him a pervert. Ran used this situation to coerce Yuta into accompanying him to practice using the bow. Outside, as Ran continued to examine the bow, he prodded a resistant Yuta into firing it again. When Yuta relented and drew the bow, Ran confirmed that the owner's name he thought he saw the first time was Rao Leez. Asha was outside reflecting on the earlier choking incident with Leez when she heard the Neutral Bow go off with a boom, which this time appeared to destroy a large chunk of a distant hill.


Yuta helping Ran

Yuta, with his wings extended (presumably to protect Ran from the bow's impact), checked to see if Ran was okay, and noted that the bow's attack was different from the previous one, with the whirlwind closer and smaller. When Ran asked if he did anything different this time, Yuta replied that he wasn't sure, he just fired it. An angry Asha appeared, leaving the other two wondering why she was in such a bad mood. After she repaired the hill, Asha commented on Ran's camaraderie with Yuta in spite of his fear of Halfs, seeing how normally someone who disliked Halfs would hate Sura even more; this would allow her to pass on her sponsorship of a troublemaker like Yuta to Ran. Ran called Asha out on her cold attitude towards Leez and Yuta, and Asha countered that even he would miss her once she and her attitude were gone.

After Asha became upset with Leez for talking to Claude about the Neutral Bow, she composed herself and left their hotel room. Ran gave Leez a pat on the head as Yuta looked on, with a look of concern possibly for Asha.

Chapter 17: Reflection[]

Late the next afternoon, Yuta listened while Asha got some things off her chest that she'd been holding in for a while. At the end of their talk, she spotted a plant wilting and realized someone must have cast a hoti yama spell 12 hours previously, at the time Leez had been talking with Claude Yui that morning. As Yuta searched for Leez, he suddenly sensed dangerous but weakened prey nearby, and found Leez with Gandharva. However, he fought the strong desire to eat him and ran away to avoid having Leez see his Sura form. Back at the Chaos Temple, Ran informed Asha that it would be problematic for Leez if Yuta ever reached his third stage, basically Sura puberty, because of their closeness.

Chapter 18: The Test of the Sword[]

Feeling famished, Yuta went to the woods outside the Chaos Temple to hunt, and there met Elwin Rakan, a Half who could understand sura speech. Yuta participated in the first two stages of the Test of the Sword, but had no choice but to withdraw after the third stage was revealed to be a Divine Affinity/Transcendental Value test, which would reveal that he was a superior sura. Sagara's crew discovered the remains of three Ananta upanis, and Cloche revealed that they were eaten alive by a sura with wings and a tail. While waiting for Leez and Ran to draw the sword, Yuta met up with Claude, who was eager to talk to him. Their conversation remains unknown.

Chapter 19: Rift[]

2-42 unexpected interruption

Sagara and Yuta

(2) Inside the Testing Center, Yuta interrupted the fight between a now-male Sagara and Kubera, allowing Kubera to take Leez away to safety. (3) When Yuta blocked his transcendentals, Sagara fled and realized his latest opponent was a 2nd stage Chaos sura.

(5) Soon enough, the Ananta king spotted Yuta in the crowd tailing him without attacking. Sagara moved his way into a larger crowd after deducing that his pursuer was trying to keep up appearances posing as a Half. Yuta accidentally injured a bystander during the chase, (6) which delayed him long enough for Riagara to arrive and face him. She questioned him about the three dead upani and he admitted to eating them. (7) In the ensuing fight, Riagara showed her strength and initially had the upper hand, mocking Yuta for underestimating her, but it turned out he was simply holding back. He suggested they both leave the Chaos Barrier and fight in sura form, and if she refused, he'd go after Sagara. (8) Yuta suddenly noticed Elwin in the crowd and realized she understood the entire conversation; he nervously began to explain himself to her, leading Riagara to take the opportunity to abduct the little Half. In his pursuit, Yuta was confident in his speed until Maruna appeared and helped Riagara escape.

(9) At this point he realized that his brother was the Garuda sura who attacked Leez's village, and is the one she intended to kill with the Sword of Re. Yuta was faced with two options: he should either choose to join his brother and become an enemy of humans, or remain with Leez and fight his brother. The pressure of this difficult choice caused him to suddenly become painfully ill and collapse. Claude and Ran found him running a fever; (10) back in Yuta's room, Claude explained to Ran that the pain was the result of a forked growth, indicating more than one possible developed form, which would be determined once he made his choice.

Chapter 20: Grudge/Enmity[]

When Leez tried to offer the bedridden Yuta a plate of raw meat, he pushed her away to the ground. When she tried to question him, the sight of her neck caused him to almost lose control. He pushed her hard a second time leaving a scratch on her face, and disappeared through the open window. Asha correctly guessed that he would go to Claude for help. He confessed to Claude that he had felt a strong impulse to bite Leez's neck.

Chapter 21: Frozen Tears[]

As Gandharva's rampage began, Yuta hid in the woods outside the Earth Temple, curled up in fear and thinking everyone was going to die. Claude tried to lure him out of hiding by suggesting Leez could die; this seemed to change his fear to determination that Leez cannot die by anyone else's hand. After Agni left behind a calmed-down Gandharva, Claude asked Yuta if he could see if "our" side was winning, but Yuta was still racked with indecision over which side to join.

Chapter 22: The One Standing Before Me[]

It wasn't until Leez and Maruna's battle that Yuta finally jumped in to stop them from killing each other. As Leez recovered from her loss of vigor, Yuta reunited with his elder brother, who insisted that they should return to the sura realm together. Yuta argued that it would be better if they stayed apart because of the power of names, but Maruna refused to listen to his brother's pleas. At this time, Kasak finally arrived through the Crescent Gate, realizing that he should have killed Yuta back in Mistyshore.

2-074 3rd stage

Yuta's 3rd stage human form

Leez recovered and protectively jumped in front of Yuta, prompting Maruna to attempt to kill Leez (again) with his transcendental skill, which Yuta then nullified. Maruna was at first confused about the situation, then angry and disappointed with his brother for trying to protect the human trying to kill him. Determined to force Yuta back to the sura realm, he transformed into his sura form. Yuta realized that between these two people he cared for, it was Leez who was always selflessly looking out for him, and so he finally made his choice and transformed to his third stage.

2-75 Yuta Sura Form

Yuta's 3rd stage sura form

Since he would be fighting Maruna, he had to transform into his new sura form as well, all the while worrying that Leez would now hate him. Strangely to Yuta, Maruna expressed doubt that he was his brother; he was, however, impressed with his strength for a sura who was still relatively young. Yuta continued to allow Maruna to attack him, and even to eat his eyes to cease his transcendental-blocking skill, in hopes that he was buying time for Leez to escape. As Maruna prepared another transcendental attack to knock out Yuta, the Sword of Re flew by his head, barely missing him. Leez was determined to stand by her friend, and her acceptance of him as a Sura astonished Yuta. Maruna attacked Yuta with his transcendental skill yet again, while Yuta lamented that Leez really should have run away for her own sake. Not only did the attack fail to disable Yuta, but his eyes regenerated quickly as well, surprising Maruna since Garuda have slow regeneration. Maruna quickly left for other business, promising he'd be back again for his brother. Leez climbed out of Yuta's mouth, where he had been protecting her from the last attack, before he reverted to human form.

2-77 How do I look to you Leez

"How do I look to you, Leez?"

On their walk back to Kalibloom, they had an awkward conversation during which he realized he's not the good guy she thinks he is, and he can't help her with her objective of killing his brother. As the sura prepared to retreat from the city, Yuta (in writing) advised Leez to meet up with Asha at the Magicians Guild, while he had business at the temple. There, he attacked several of Sagara's crew, including partially eating Pingara, and revealed that he can still nullify a transcendental of someone he can't see. He questioned Sagara about his brother's involvement with the Anantas, but before he could get answers, Kasak suddenly appeared, in a threatening pose. Yuta asked if he remembered him, as he was the one who borrowed his earrings, but Kasak's response was to attack him. He dodged and escaped in flight.

Chapter 23: The Good/The Line[]

2-81 Yuta embraces Leez

Unexpected embrace

(1) Yuta spent the next several days flying around the city to avoid Kasak, who continued to hunt him, as he waited for Leez to reappear. When she joined Parr to meet up with the search party for Teo Rakan, Yuta took the opportunity to quickly snatch her and hold her in a tight embrace, including binding her wrists with his scarf, all the while saying (in Sura speech) how much he missed her and how he had almost gone crazy waiting for her.

2-82 Leez with scarf

Nice and toasty

(2) Leez asks Yuta to release her once her arms go numb, but he remembers all the times that she hugged him before and tightens his grip. She exclaims that she just wants to see his face, and he promptly frees her while apologizing. Leez tells Yuta that she was worried when he disappeared after the fight with Maruna, and he notices her rubbing red marks on her wrists(caused by his scarf). When he tries to investigate, she quickly backs away, telling him not to get too close. She changes the subject by asking about his new belt, and he morphs it into a sword while explaining it is the same one he had before. Though she is unable to hear anything Yuta is saying, Leez compliments him and his new powers, before asking about his new scarf. He starts to explain that it is not a scarf, but stops mid-way and sends it towards Leez. She begs him to keep it away from her, and she apologizes once she realizes he was just putting it on her, and she tells him he is as kind as before. It is noted that a Sura's clothes are just altered body parts. Leez wants to get Asha to sponsor him again so he can get back into Kalibloom, but his scarf moves up to cover her mouth as Yuta notices someone coming. Kasak comes out from the trees, and tells her that Yuta will not be able to pass as a half.

2-83 hostage

Assumed Hostage

(3) Kasak takes Sura form, and nearby fighters notice the disturbance. Yuta hears their worry for Leez's safety, and morphs his sword into glowing white chains, using them to pull her close. His plan is to make the witnesses assume that he kidnapped her so she would not be criticized for taking his side. The onlookers fear that she has been taken as a hostage, and he tells her -in Sura speak- that they should run away to a place where no one can disturb them. Leez slices through his scarf with the Sword of Return, and tells him that they should explain the situation to the bystanders. As she defends Yuta's actions, he asks why she cares about them.

2-84 Yuta and Asha

'Don't do it'

(4) Yuta prepares to take Sura form and fight Kasak, but Asha comes and stops him. She goes to Kasak and advises against fighting Yuta, as many people will die. She goes on to say that if Yuta had any ill-will towards humans he would have taken Sura form already, so there is no reason to fight someone so non-threatening. Kasak tells her that he said some very concerning things despite knowing that Kasak could hear him. However, Kasak does admit that Yuta does not seem very dangerous since he cares about Leez being criticized, but he will watch him just in case, before returning to human form. Yuta asks if Kasak is letting him go because he is afraid of losing to him, and Kasak ignores him to instruct Leez to read 'The Biology of a Sura' before seeing Yuta again.

Inside Kalibloom, Leez, Ran and Asha try to convince people to let Yuta into the city, and gain the support of Lutz and Claude. After some back and forth between Kasak and him, Agni takes Yuta's side, as the God tells him to get the Priests' approval.

2-86 Yuta -via Tierra


(6) After waiting all day for Leez right outside the city walls, Yuta demands to know why Kasak prevented her from coming to see him. Kasak hands him a red shirt allegedly from Leez, and warns him about the people staring at him through the windows. After taking a moment to listen to the spectators, Yuta tells Kasak that most of them are on his side, and brags about how good he looks in his new shirt. Kasak asks Yuta about the earrings he lent to him,[2] and Yuta falls to his knees in apology. He asks Kasak about the two things he promised after his development, but Kasak asks for his earrings back first, before offering him a chance to get the support of the rest of the citizens.

(7) With the help of Yuta's Taraka eyes, he and Kasak discover Teo's frozen corpse in an icy forest of confusion.

Leez greets Yuta in the forest, and shocks him with the numerous layers of clothes she is wearing. Leez takes his appalled reaction as him disliking the shirt she chose, and runs off to tell Ran to buy him a different one. Yuta demands Kasak to tell him what he told Leez to make her act that way.

2-87 Aaagh

'What did you tell Leez?!'

(8) Yuta overhears Parr and Leez talking, and asks why Parr wishes she accompanied Teo on her search for Elwin when she would have died as well. Kasak tells Yuta that his personality has gotten strange since his development, but Yuta tells him he does not need advice from a dragon yet. Leez goes to Yuta and asks if he thought of something to do, and when he shakes his head, she wonders if Asha had any luck. He doubts Asha figured something out when the surrounding ice melts, reverting the forest's appearance to before Teo's death.

The crowd is outraged when they find out Asha can use [[Hoti magic]|Hoti Visnu]], and Yuta remembers when she used it on him in Riche's house. [3] He tells Kasak he is happy that everything was resolved as Leez wanted, but Kasak is not sure if Teo's revival is a good thing, despite everyone being overjoyed at the moment.

Chapter 24: Taboo[]

2-89 yum

small snack

(1) Asha asks Yuta about his indifference on getting access into Kalibloom, and he tells her he could have broken the Earth barrier if he wanted to. He expresses how tempted he was to fight Kasak and test his strength; Asha is surprised that he wants to fight, and he admits he was not so combative before his development. Yuta doubts if he wants to stay with the humans but he does not want to be alone anymore. He asks Asha why she did not tell Leez about him being a Sura. After her explanation, Yuta criticizes her decision, but she stops him stating that she had already heard enough of that from Ran. Yuta catches her by surprise when he asks if the reason she is angry is because everyone seems to be on Leez's side, and tells her that she made a simple mistake that she should apologize for. When she refuses to apologize to Leez, Yuta warns Asha that it will give Leez a bad impression of her, and Asha says she does not care. Yuta abstains from further interference, thinking that if Leez is driven away from Asha, it would be better for him.

Leez greets Yuta with a welcome cake made entirely of raw meat and he tears up when he sees how many layers of clothes she is wearing. She turns around to refute Ran's remarks about how she should not have made the cake look so realistic, and looks back to see that Yuta devoured the entire cake already. Ran asks how it feels to have worked so hard on something to disappear in one bite, and she argues that Yuta deserves to have something nice.

2-90 scaredy Ran


(2) Ran wakes up in the middle of the night, and sees a crowd of halves around the hotel. He wonders what to do, and jumps when he sees Yuta sitting at the foot of his bed. When asked why he is in Ran's room, Yuta tells him he did not want to sit alone, so he went to him instead of Asha or Leez. The two go downstairs and start talking over drinks. Yuta asks Ran what he thinks of Leez's clothes, to which Ran jokingly responds that he would buy her more. Yuta admits that the overdressing makes him wonder if it is to distance herself from him because she is afraid of him as a Sura. Ran doubts that and asks if he had done anything to make her uncomfortable.

The following morning, Leez finds Ran passed out in front of numerous empty bottles, and Yuta explains that he drank too much. He uses his scarf to help Leez collect the bottles, and asks her why she is wearing so many clothes when she is sweating. He asks if she is layering up because of when he hugged her in the forest,[4] and he tells her he did not know that he needed to ask permission before hugging someone as she never asked before hugging him. When she brings up his stage of development, he claims that it has nothing to do with anything since his mind is still the same, and he asks her to trust him on that. She starts to tremble and Yuta - in Sura speech - apologizes for scaring her, but she finally tells him that she trusts him.

(3) Leez gives Yuta a buttonless, red shirt, and he tells her that though he appreciates the gesture, he rather not wear clothes. She reels in shock at the statement and he explains that he did not mean his pants.

2-93 Asha and Yuta talk

culture shock

(5) With Asha vouching for him, Yuta enters the city after a day's worth of hunting. He explains that the reason he took so long was due to Kasak's patrolling, which sent the nearby Suras into hiding. Asha asks Yuta if he feels guilty when he eats other Suras, and if they beg for their lives. He tells her that they know begging for their lives would be useless, as any Sura who feels guilty for eating another would end up dead. Asha wonders if it would have been easier for her if humans were like Suras, but decides that she would have died first.

(6) Leez tells Ran that she practiced Bhavati Kubera for the entire day; he teases her that she may get the Neutral Bow before walking off. Yuta notes that something seemed to be bothering him. Leez wonders if it has something to do with Asha being accused of the twenty-nine murders; Yuta asks if she believes that they were all accidents, and Leez tells him that she does, as friends should trust each other.

(7) Yuta eavesdrops on Ran and Asha's discussion on a nearby roof, and smiles when Asha tells Ran that she will leave the following day.

Chapter 25: That Which Cannot be Grasped or Held/Out of Reach[]

2-96 Yuta and Asha


(1) Yuta visits Asha, asks why she left Leez, and tells her that Leez would be sad if she found out. Asha answers that it will be better for them if she is not around. She asks him why he is in Kalibloom, and, without hesitation, he responds that it is for Leez. Asha explains that people think that she has everything, but it is Leez who has what she wants. He asks her if she wants Leez's future, and she tells him that not exactly; She falls silent and asks him to go to protect his reason for being in the city.

(2) Yuta laments about how hard it is to be nice to the humans when they only want him around for his power. Then he remembers how Leez helped him during his fight with Maruna [5], and decides there are some people he wants to protect. He notices that Kasak is preparing to fly a caged Claude back to Rindhallow, and he flies out to warn him against using the Crescent Gate because it is sure to be full of much stronger Taraka clan Suras. Kasak reassures him that he will not use the transcendental, explaining that he already ran into a few Suras with Taraka when he was traveling to Kalibloom [6]. Yuta asks if they let him go, and Kasak admits that he killed all of them. Yuta remembers Taraka's promise to live and be a better mother to him [7] and cries.

2-98 Yuta and Leez

Unconventional entrance

(3) Kasak asks Yuta why he is sad about Taraka's death when she will just revive as always, and Yuta acknowledges that Kasak did the best he could considering the situation. On the ground, Asha, Lutz, and Siera wonder if Yuta will accompany Kasak. Asha goes to Yuta and asks if he would come with her to another city if she brought Leez along. His eyes turn blue and he hastily flies away, biting his lip deep enough to draw blood. He feels as though he is suffocating.

On their way to Rindhallow, Claude warns Kasak that Yuta is very dangerous and that his love for humans is not the kind he thinks it is.

Leez is happy to see Yuta when he flies into the hotel, and asks why he is crying.

2-99 missed hug

Out of Reach

(4) Leez tells Yuta about how comforting it is to have a shoulder to cry on, and asks if she could be that kind of person for him. He nods, and she offers that he can come to her whenever he is sad. Yuta tries to hug her when she turns around, but she walks away and he misses.

Yuta and Leez move to the roof to wait for Asha, and Leez wonders why she was not invited to Asha and Ran's meeting despite owning the Sword of Return. She decides to go to bed and make up with Asha the next morning. Yuta asks if she and Asha had a fight, and Leez tells him that they did not, but she feels like she had done something wrong. Yuta tries to reassure her that Asha may have left for another reason, but Leez still wants to apologize nonetheless. He asks her if she likes Asha that much, and Leez reveals that she pretty much idolizes her. Yuta recalls Asha asking him if he would come with her to another city if she brought Leez, and he asks Leez if she would like to go to another city with Asha. She is a bit confused about the question, and states that Asha will come back soon. Yuta gets up, his scarf wrapping around Leez's arm as he kisses her. He decides that he would let the humans use him if it is for her.

2-100 kiss

Bad Romance

(5) Yuta thinks about how Leez is the only one who sees him as a person, and not just a source of power, but has to hold back as there are others who care for her. He says that it is natural for those who love each other to become closer, so this should be normal. An abrupt thought makes him wonder why Leez is suddenly shaking, and why, despite this being his first kiss, it feels like an old habit for him.

In a flashback, a small Yuta asks Taraka what happened to his friend. She tells him that she died, and Yuta cries, blaming his mother for her death. Taraka tells him that he can blame her for her death if he wants.

Yuta realizes what he has done, and covers Leez's bloody mouth with his scarf. He begs her to tell him that nothing happened before she passes out.

2-100 can't be held

Bye Felicia

Claude, Lutz, Ran, and Asha arrive to see Yuta holding Leez, and Ran tells Claude off for ruining the romantic mood. In response, Claude points out that the green light around Leez is a transcendental of the Golden Knight that activates when she is on the verge of death, and the group sees the blood on Yuta's face. Claude eases a crowd of terrified onlookers by telling them Yuta only attacked Leez because he has strong feelings for her, and tells them that it is okay as Leez is able to regenerate. Ran argues that Leez does not deserve to be chewed up and regenerated just to keep Yuta on their side, but Lutz asks him if he has a better idea. The crowd disagrees with Ran's ideology as Leez is not as important as keeping Yuta on their side. Yuta remembers thinking he would be able to love someone, and apologizes to Leez for the pain he caused her. He lies her head down on his scarf, and promises to protect her if any danger arises; he tells her that he just wants her to be happy more than anything else before flying away. Once the crowd realizes he left, they desperately try to wake up Leez to get him back.

Chapter 26: Outsider[]

2-101 Yuta

(1) Leez dreams about hearing bystanders talk about using her to keep Yuta around before she wakes up. Leez then pretends to everyone that she has no memory of what happened between her and Yuta. During a meeting at the Kalibloom Magic Guild, Claude is relieved that she cannot remember, in case Yuta returns and she avoids him. Lutz criticizes Claude for not predicting Yuta's departure, but Claude is confident that he will eventually return.

Yuta arrives near Rindhallow and finds Maruna.

(2) After Leez overhears some gossip from some women mocking her, she squeezes Yuta's scarf, which is wrapped around her wrists. Halfway around the world, Yuta feels a momentary sensation that quickly passes. Maruna tells him that he will reveal the reason why the siblings need to reunite if Yuta helps locate Kalavinka and finds a way to open a portal to the sura realm. Yuta replies that it may be difficult, but it would be better than having Maruna continue to collaborate with the snakes. Maruna asks if he is no longer protecting humans, and Yuta replies that he is only stepping back for now. Yuta asks if he will be accepted into the Garuda clan. Maruna momentarily recalls someone telling him that his brother was a monster interwoven with lies, but then he replies that of course they will, which makes Yuta happy. Maruna then points to a pillar of light in the distance and explains that another portal was opened to bring in additional help, especially since Gandharva disappeared. Yuta has no idea who is being called, and Maruna thinks to himself that Yuta would not know because he no longer remembers certain things.

2-104 brothers near the gate

(4) After Maruna tells Yuta about the abuses he suffered in order to develop to 4th stage, Yuta expresses dismay, but Maruna says that is not the point. He is disturbed that Yuta never denied the things Maruna said earlier about him hiding his real name, or seemed surprised that he was threatened with death if Maruna failed to develop in time. Does his little brother know nothing, and is everything about him a lie?

(5) In a flashback, Yuta is upset at Taraka for killing his friend, and insists that his name has always been Jatayu.

Yuta claims that he never meant to be deceitful, and his love for his family was always real, as he still does not directly answer Maruna's earlier questions. He says he is only beginning to remember things he earlier wanted to forget, and says he is a bad person who should not be around anymore.

2-105 scary Yuta

He suddenly ears a voice saying he should just kill himself. Yuta is shocked and asks Maruna if he just said something, but Maruna says no. Yuta says that he thinks someone is listening in on them and is now running away, and at first Maruna refuses to believe it, then finds it odd that Yuta does not know in which direction the eavesdropper is running. Maruna finally hears something and catches an Ananta sura, which becomes angry at Maruna for stopping him before he could report them to Sagara and mentally insults him. Yuta chastises the sura for saying that about his brother, but Maruna tells him he never heard the sura speak, confusing Yuta. The sura tries to appeal to Maruna and talk his way out of his situation, but Yuta hears him wonder how he was caught while using Hiding and wanting the "hybrid bastard" to shut up. Maruna almost considers letting him go, until Yuta suggests that he eat him instead. Maruna gives the go-ahead, and Yuta tells him that he would have been much better off being eaten by Maruna, because this "hybrid bastard" has a disturbing way of eating his prey.

Chapter 27: Last Resort/Last Stand[]

2-109 Yuta in the snow

(3) Yuta lies on the snowy ground, wondering which conversations he had listened in on were spoken and which were only thoughts, then thinks about how much he misses Leez. Maruna approaches him and asks if he is done eating, and remarks that his development has not changed his habit of eating his prey live. Yuta mentions that his hunger is even worse now. Maruna reveals that Akasha asked him to return with both Yuta and Kalavinka to the sura realm in order to revive their father, Garuda, who collapsed when the realms were separated because the Power of the Name remained in the human realm. Yuta says that he wished he told him about it sooner, and promises to find their sister and open a portal to the sura realm. Yuta says that he just needs some time, but Maruna tells him that there is not much time left since someone is arriving from the sura realm soon who will not likely show Yuta any mercy.

2-110 Leez and Yuta

(4) Leez explains to Asha that she practiced bhavati kubera by repeatedly jumping off a cliff. In a flashback, Yuta at first cushions her fall. Yuta has a hard time seeing her get hurt, but his eyes turn blue-green and he reads Leez's mind, realizing that she would hate it if he kept preventing her from dying. After her first death, once she wakes up and thanks Yuta for staying put, he grabs her hands, tears streaming down his face. When Leez explains to him why it is important for her to learn how to fly (still thinking that Yuta was unable to fly on his own), he nods at her, and she leaves to jump again. When Leez, after many failures, finally succeeds in stopping her fall for a brief moment, Yuta shows her a note of congratulations and forces himself to smile at her.

(5) When Leez gives Ran the Neutral Bow, she mentions that the name of Ran's good friend, Rao Leez, appeared on the bow when Yuta drew it,[8][9] so he should have it.

2-112 mother-son reunion of sorts

(6) Just before Leez's departure on the transport ship to Aeroplateau, the Hide of Bondage, still worn by Lutz, suddenly grows tentacles which reach out and grab Yuta's scarf, worn around Leez's neck. Asha yells at Leez to just leave the scarf, and Leez mentally apologizes to Yuta after throwing it off.

Chapter 28: Flight/Emergency[]

2-113 Samphati and Yuta

(1) Somewhere near Rindhallow, as Yuta waits for Maruna to return, he recalls asking his brother if he will continue to work with the snakes, and Maruna replies that he must, in case Yuta's plan to locate Kalavinka fails. Yuta also worries about Leez's reaction to him taking the Sword of Return from her so he can open a gate to the sura realm. He realizes that his situation is complicated, and once he recalls Agni's unprecedented approval of his entry into Kalibloom, he decides to leave for Atera to talk to the god. His departure is stopped by Samphati, who appears behind him.

2-114 Let go

(2) Yuta wonders who the pretty sura is but is unable to use insight on her. Maruna suddenly appears and yells at her to stop, and as soon as Yuta hears the name Samphati she charges towards him. He quickly flies back as she stomps her foot, causing part of the mountain below to collapse. Yuta realizes that she was suppressing her strength and wonders why. He decides to escape, and uses a teleportation transcendental, disappearing in a red blur. Maruna is astonished that his brother had a hidden skill. Samphati points out that since Yuta's development, he has hardly any Garuda clan traits left, and Maruna would have recognized that skill if he had ever fought Taraka. She then asks him if he has any idea where his brother went.

As Ran, holding Yuta's scarf, and Lutz travel with a group through a desert on their way from Kalibloom to Eloth, Yuta suddenly appears and hugs Ran from behind. Everyone is shocked, and Ran asks Yuta to let go of him.

2-116 celebrities

(4) As Yuta and Ran walk through the streets of Eloth, the latter complains that Yuta was not willing to use his sura form so he could carry the rest of the travelers, who are still in the desert. After Ran buys him new clothes after some bystanders criticize Yuta's lack of fashion sense, they stop to eat at a restaurant. Ran wonders why Yuta is sticking by his side, then explains that Leez has no memory of "the incident" and hopes they work things out. They hear a commotion outside the restaurant, so they leave and run into Saha and Tilda, who are looking for Ran to tell him that he is now officially an AA-ranked magician, and already has a job to do.

(5) As Yuta follows behind Ran, he finds himself fighting off the urge to devour Tilda, even though he recently ate. He decides to be careful. He also notices that Ran's half phobia is not triggering around Tilda. While Ran is inside the Human Search System, Yuta wonders why his insight is not working the way he wants as he tries to figure out Saha's plans.

2-118 Tilda explains it all

(6) Tilda explains to Ran that individuals named Kubera have been dying off in large numbers, including 29 that are known to have been killed by Asha. When Saha says that the killings are still continuing, and that the easiest Kubera to find is the one on the transport ship from Kalibloom to Aeroplateau who has no ID and is under a sponsorship, Yuta suddenly vanishes, leaving his new jacket behind.

2-118 Yuta in flight near Eloth

As Yuta flies in the vicinity of Eloth, he wants to take sura form but is unable to as it would reveal his location to Samphati. He decides to use his teleportation transcendental even though it would be harder on him.

(7) Yuta teleports to the location he spotted on the search system's screen and quickly locates Leez, who lies unconscious on the ground next to God Kubera in child form. Yuta is upset with the god because he expected him to protect Leez in his place. Kubera tells him to shut up and listen, and explains how she fell and that Kubera magic is unusable in this area, including her self-regeneration, and he barely got there in time to save her.

2-119 he really does care

Yuta thinks that Asha may have tried to kill her because he left her, making her useless, but Kubera tells him that would not be Asha's reason since she knows he would avenge Leez. Yuta denies that he would retaliate for a corpse that no longer has value to him, but Kubera sees an insight of Yuta gently carrying Leez's body, and asks Yuta if he really believes that. Kubera then asks if he ever wondered why Agni gave him his approval to enter Kalibloom, and Yuta replies that he has. Kubera tells him to keep wondering, then tells him to return Leez to the transport ship.

2-119 Yuta and Leez

Yuta protests, but the god assures him that Asha will not hurt her again since she will understand the meaning of Leez's return. After Yuta wraps Leez in his scarf, he notices that the god does not look well, and asks if there is anything else he needs to tell him.

As Yuta catches up with the transport ship, he thinks that Kubera's parting words were pathetic. He is suddenly stopped by an unseen force that does not seem to be a normal barrier. He decides not to break through it and risk hurting Leez, so he teleports to the transport ship, looking exhausted after he reappears.

2-120 wishful thinking

(8) Yuta breaks a hole into the side of the transport ship with his tail and takes the still-unconscious Leez inside, gently placing her on the floor and putting his scarf under her head as a pillow. He wants to stay with her and imagines them happy together, but suddenly feels hunger and hits himself in frustration. He decides that he needs to hunt, and apologizes to Leez for leaving.

Chapter 30: Falling Petals[]

(1) Somewhere near Rindhallow, Samphati reports to Sagara that she found Yuta but did not attempt to kill him. Samphati is not worried that Yuta is in his 3rd stage, and intends to exact her revenge carefully so that she can savor watching him die slowly and painfully.

Chapter 31: Your Justice and Mine[]

2-135 Yuta

Angry Yuta

(1) After eating a Sura, Yuta senses something off with Leez and teleports to his scarf intending to check on her. He is angered to find the scarf in the hands of an air transport employee in Northern Eloth, where Lutz and Tilda are surprised to see him.

(2) Using a text to voice converter, Yuta apologizes to Lutz and Tilda for losing his temper over the mishandled scarf. He asks them to speak casually to him, but Lutz insists on speaking formally. Lutz informs Yuta about the dangers of a magician with the ability to use Hoti Visnu and asks Yuta to help him go over security tapes from the transport ship Leez and Asha took to get to Aeroplateau. He goes through the footage and he promptly alerts Lutz when he spots Claude being suspicious on the records. They continue to watch and witness Asha as she first nearly kills Leez, and then steal Yuta's scarf from Leez while she was unconscious. Yuta tears up. Lutz praises him for finding the cause of the explosion but in reaction, Yuta blows up the memory card. Tilda starts to ask why he would destroy the evidence but gets cut off by Lutz, who notices how upset Yuta is. Crying, Yuta asks Lutz to modify his scarf using the Hide of Bondage.

2-137 Yuta looking at Aeroplateau

Admiring the view

(3) Yuta appears outside of Aeroplateau, wearing the modified Hide of Bondage.

(4) Yuta wonders if he would be seen as his mother while wearing the Hide of Bondage, which could allow him to get through Aeroplateau's barrier. He is a bit surprised when it works, and looks for Leez to give her the Hide. He spots her on a nearby bench.

2-139 night visit

Breaking and entering

(5) Yuta sits on the roof of a building near Leez's hotel, waiting for her to go to sleep so he can give her the Hide of Bondage. Once she falls asleep, he breaks into her room and drapes the Hide on her, apologizing for not being able to stay. Just when he was about to leave, Leez suddenly gets up, causing him to freeze in place. She expressed delight to see him, but Yuta apologizes in Sura speak and teleports away. He is surprised to find that he did not make it out of the city as planned, and barely dodges an attack from the Sword of Return. He looks back and Leez fires two more attacks before jumping forward and landing on him. Crying, she pins him down and asks him why he is leaving after promising to stay with her.

2-140 not again

Sad times

(6)Yuta recalls the time Leez told him how comforting it is to have a shoulder to cry on and wonders if hoping to be that person to her makes him a bad person. He figures that she is only with him because she forgot what happened when he kissed her before[10] and tries to leave. His eyes turn blue as Leez swoops in for a smooch, and he finds out that she remembers exactly what happened that day with his insight. He pushes her away to prevent himself from hurting her - but it is too late. Leez tries to stay awake despite her fatal wound so that Yuta will not leave her, but she passes out. Knowing her true feelings, he starts to cry.

When Leez wakes up the next day, Rana informs her that Yuta asked Ran to get her healed. On the other side of the wall, Yuta hopes that his choice will make it easier for her, as she will suffer whether he is with her or not.

(7) Yuta loots the temple's kitchen for Leez, angering a hungry Kasak. Kasak orders everyone out of the kitchen so he can be alone with the Rakshasa and asks him how long he has been in Aeroplateau. Yuta responds that it does not matter how long he's been there, but whose side he is on does.

2-142 might be a stalker

Safe from the mud's constrictive grasp

(8) Yuta discusses possible game-plans with Kasak. The half-dragon is surprised that Yuta would work against his own kind from the Garuda clan, and Yuta starts to respond but abruptly stops and runs off to make a stepping path through a muddy patch so Leez would not get her shoes dirty.

(9) Mirha applies make-up to Leez's face, causing Yuta to fall out of the tree he was using to spy on her, shocked by her sudden beauty.

(10) Curious to know how Leez became so pretty in such a short amount of time, Yuta breaks into the room she and Mirha just left. He cautiously sniffs and licks the make-up, and is disgusted by its taste. He decides it might be better for her to wear it for her own protection when he notices a little note. He picks it up and finds the same doodle that Leez put on her welcome cake.[11]

2-148 Slightly Scared Yuta

Nervous to see Agni

(14) Despite knowing he is stronger than Agni, Yuta feels too anxious and afraid to approach him; so when Kasak and Agni discuss strategies for the upcoming battle, he freezes when the God notices him hiding behind a nearby rock. Agni asks if Yuta came to ask a question and - without being prompted - he tells Yuta to cherish the little time he has with Leez. Yuta asks him if he ever regretted loving a human, and the God tells him that the only thing he regrets is realizing how he felt only after she died.

(17) Yuta was asked by Agni to keep watch over part of a valley. He sees Leez on the edge of a cliff, about to jump off; and flies out to catch her so he can prevent the suicide. She wraps her arms around him, and his mind fades elsewhere. Yuta walks around, wondering what he was just doing. He falls to his knees and Jatayu asks him if he will play with her.

2-152 begging for forgiveness

Not forgiven

(18) A young Yuta tells Jatayu that he had a long dream that he cannot quite remember; one full of happiness and excitement, but also of sorrow and fear. She smiles and asks him if he is forgetting because he wants to run away. He is confused by that statement and asks Jatayu what she means. She tells him not to call her Jatayu because he devoured her and her name, and he screams as her face reverts to how it was when he ate her. Yuta bows down and starts to apologize to her, saying it was a mistake. She walks over to him to ask him not to cry since it makes her seem like the bad guy. She tells him that she will not forgive him because that would mean she spent her last 300 years in vain; and she wants a thrilling end, an end where he is the bad guy.

2-153 hostage situation

Not a romantic hold

(19) Agni is looking for Yuta and finds him knocked out, with Sagara using him as a footrest while holding a black feather. She tells the God that she will not be giving Yuta back, as she has found a way to utilize him. Agni prepares an attack, but cannot go through with it for fear of injuring the unconscious Yuta. Sagara asks if the reason he does not want to hurt him is due to the Gods' alliance with the Taraka clan.

(22) Trapped by a summoned Urvasi, Agni watches as Sagara orders Yuta to seal and kill every human after the barrier is broken.

(25) Chandra destroys the false Urvasi, freeing the injured Agni. He turns around to see surafied Yuta carrying Sagara in his mouth, as she is bidding farewell. Their get-away is thwarted by Kasak - also in Sura form - who grabs Yuta's arm and tells him to wake up. Yuta moves behind him and hits Kasak with his tail, launching him into a nearby mountain. Sagara tells the Raksasha to just flee instead of wasting time fighting them.

(29) Sagara instructs Yuta to guard a passageway by eating anyone who comes close.

Chapter 32: Loser[]

(1) Leez is heading to a passageway when she spots an unexpected guard and dives behind a nearby rock. The Sword of Return acts up as Yuta approaches her.

2-166 sword block


(2) Leez is surprised to find Yuta guarding the passageway with his Taraka eyes active; she asks him to shut off his eyes in case she needs to use the Golden Knight. She tries to get up, but Yuta trips her by stepping on the Hide of Bondage. He remembers that Sagara instructed him to eat anyone who gets too close, so he leans into Leez. He is thrown back by the unsavory taste of Leez's herbal makeup and releases a primal screech when she tries to apologize. Leez bonks Yuta on the head with her sword to calm him down and worries that she might have hurt him when he sits there, unresponsive. She shakes him awake.

Back in his mind with with Jatayu, Yuta realizes he is in a psychological transcendental. He asks why Jatayu is with him, and what happened to Leez. Not bothering to disguise her voice anymore, Samphati figures she must have lost focus momentarily while fighting elsewhere, and decides to finish her plan quicker. In reality, Yuta blocks Leez's transcendentals, grabs her by her neck, choking her, while Samphati asks Yuta how long the defenseless human will survive against a Rakshasa. He begs Samphati not to hurt Leez, as she has nothing to do with Jatayu's death; but Samphati refuses to back down, telling him that he will suffer the pain of losing someone he loves just like she has.

2-168 Leez or Asha's side

Glad to see Asha

(4) Yuta is released from the transcendental and looks over to find Leez lying in a pool of her own blood. He is relieved to see Asha and asks her to use recovery magic on Leez, but she ignores the request and asks why Yuta would do nothing to get Leez out of Asha's grasp if he knew what her intentions were. Asha repeats the questions she asked once before: if she and Leez were to fight, whose side would Yuta take?

When Leez wakes up, she grabs Yuta and asks if he is okay. He removes her hand from his shoulder and moves to stand beside Asha, who proclaims that Yuta was on her side all along and Leez barely knows him at all. Yuta avoids looking Leez in her eyes as Asha makes that statement, and he sees that despite the fact that Leez was acting cheery as she went through the passage following Asha's instructions, she is hurt. He hopes she does not die.

(5) Asha tells Yuta to stay where she instructs him to until she steps into the fight. Yuta's eyes turn blue and he finds out what she lost as a result of a certain deal.

2-170 broken soul

Do something.

(6) Yuta knocks Lorraine out after she hits Asha with a car and he asks Asha if she can use recovery magic on her injuries. Instead, Asha casts a Bhavati Indra directed at Lorraine, and then casts Hoti Marut intended to kill her, but Yuta stops the magic with his Taraka eyes. He tells her to go to Leez if she is not going to regenerate herself, but - since she is unable to hear him - Asha starts to doubt why he would save another human if he was truly on her side. She tells him that everything is ruined because of him, and he wonders why she was chosen if her soul collapses when given a bit of power. Asha decides that if she cannot win the game, then no one can.

(8) Leez wakes up next to Yuta, and is promptly berated by Asha. After Asha admits to killing Leez's dad, Yuta has to hold Leez back from killing Asha.

Chapter 34: What Remains[]

This section still needs content.

Season 3[]

Chapter 35: Return[]


3-001 Yuta tells Leez to leave

Leez Haias and Kasak Rajof are escaping from the sura realm, surrounded by a swarm of Taraka clan suras. Leez recalls Yuta's words, telling her to kill them quickly before they open their eyes or else she will die. He had also warned her to be careful when using the Sword of Re's transcendentals, because the more power she draws from it, the heavier her debt becomes. Thirdly, she should never forget that what they want is to bring down her name.

When Kasak tells Leez that Yuta stayed behind for her sake since he has reached his limit, she recalls the last time she was with him; he is bleeding black blood from his eyes, and his mouth and arms are bound. He tells her that he does not and will not love her anymore, and wants her to leave without guilt before he bites off that tongue of hers that only speaks words of pity to him.

Chapter 40: Twisted Bird[]

(7) Back on Willarv, Leez explains that the Taraka suras are weak because of Yuta's sacrifice. Yuta is the King of the Taraka clan, who took the position after Kali's disappearance hundreds of years ago, Taraka herself was only a decoy. Sura clans are affected by the state of their kings, but it is even more intense for the Tarakas, to the extent that when Yuta tears out his eyes, the eyes of the rest of his clan are blinded as well. The Tarakas they have seen so far were sightless and fought clumsily because Yuta removed his own eyes and bound himself. Since Yuta is unable to change the will of Kali which causes the clan's madness, he struggles instead to reduce the damage they cause. Should Yuta be killed, he would lose his positive memories and become the true monster that Kali intended.

(8) In a flashback, Yuta tells Leez that if he is killed someday, she must not come near him, and she should not expect him to remember her anymore. Instead of standing up to him, the place she must go to is...

Chapter 41: Your Seven Years[]

(1) Leez laments she cannot trust Yuta or rely on him, or love him or be loved by him. That's how he was made from the beginning.

Chapter 42: Crossroads[]

(7) On Willarv, the gods conduct a fragment experiment which goes haywire when the human test subject takes sura form, a Tarakafied version of Shakuntala. She is eventually killed, though only after communicating her wishes to god Agni.

Somewhere in the sura realm, Yuta is coughing up blood, to the concern of two Vritra clan nastikas. He states that he needs to go to the human realm immediately, as his mother has noticed something, and he is the only one who can get there immediately.

(8) Nearby Kalibloom, Leez attacks Maruna who is reluctant to retaliate because he would bring on himself the displeasure of the gods. Just as Leez is about to decapitate Maruna with the sword of Re, she hears a voice shouting out for her to stop. When she is unable to find the source of the voice, she prepares to catch Maruna, who is trying to fly off. But she is stopped for a second time, by an eyeless Yuta who grabs her sword by the hilt and tells her that she should not be pointing her sword in that direction.

Chapter 43: The Point of Your Sword[]

(1) Leez tears her sword from Yuta's grasp and demands to know what he is doing there after saying he does not love her, to leave him and never look back. She is frustrated that he is making her weak now of all times.

A Taraka clan sura starts climbing out of the nearby Lake of Reflection and Leez quickly slashes at it, surprised since there was supposed to be time until the next gate opens. When she turns back, Yuta is gone.

Meanwhile, in the sura realm, Yuta remains bound and blinded, but appears to be having a difficult time. A group of nastikas comments on this and one of them mentions that they made the item which allowed Yuta to go. Some suggest Yuta had better return since it would be difficult to subdue him if he goes berserk in the human realm, although Taksaka seems to believe his son would be more than capable of the task. Airavata asks Yuta to focus, because the moment he falls, it would also be the end for Leez.

Back in Kalibloom, Yuta observes as Agni and Chandra approach Leez and Maruna. He is relieved that the gods appeared to handle the situation. Suddenly, a green cat snuggles up next to him. Yuta deduces that it must be a pet and tells it to return to its master. He then thinks that he must find his mother before it is too late, because she was definitely watching from somewhere nearby. He teleports away.

(3) On planet Konchez, Yuta stands among the ruins of the largest Temple of Chaos, where the entrance to every water channel in the universe was located. He is certain that his mother would have passed through there. He finds a door that was not there before and wonders how to open it without breaking it, fearing something bad might happen if he does. The tile on which he stands suddenly makes a creaking sound, and several other tiles begin to rise, each with a different-colored aura.

(4) In a flashback to the seven years in the sura realm, Yuta tells Leez that each time she draws power from the sword of Re, her sins become deeper. Leez brings up that her bracelet seems to be cracking and Yuta explains it is taking the weight of her sins and those have built up by her usage of the sword. Although the bracelet still restores itself now, it will eventually reach its limit and break, damaging the original owner. Yuta reminds Leez to worry about herself rather than that owner, though.

(5) The situation near Kalibloom got out of control again. Taraka clan suras swarmed out of the lake of reflection, distracting Agni who had to go deal with them. Meanwhile, Chandra failed to stop Leez and Maruna from fighting, and Leez was about to attack Maruna once more.

Yuta steps in between them and desperately holds back the blade of Leez's charged sword. Leez asks Yuta to let go and let her kill that monster who slaughtered so many. Yuta argues that Maruna will not ever do that again and he is sure to eventually realize what he did wrong and apologize.

Leez questions this vague prophecy and reminds that suras never change their ways and cannot be reformed. Yuta tries to convince her that rakshasas are more malleable and that he himself is an example of that, but Leez tears back the sword from him, tells him to get out of her way, and insists on killing Maruna.

Yuta stands in her way, arms outstretched, and he urges her not to throw herself away for vengeance and not to gather more sins since he does not wish for her to disappear. She reminds him of her mortality and expresses the desire to at the very least achieve revenge before she dies.

At this point, Yuta finally tells her that Maruna is his brother and asks her to give up revenge for his sake, at the least. Chandra, finally getting involved in the situation, shouts that it is no use saying that since Leez is already aware, but to his surprise, Leez appears completely shaken. Chandra states that he already said that earlier and she said she knew, but Agni, who had returned by then, claims Leez is telling the truth. Maruna also did not see Chandra say anything of the sort.

Agni decides that it is time to wrap up the situation. They need to decide how to treat their new sura allies in front of the humans and he is concerned about Shess and Siera Sies, who got hurt during the earlier fragment experiment. He asks why Yuta appeared, only to disappear again and then appear once more and brings up that Yuta is not using his real body, but a double created by an item. Yuta explains that he went to Konchez.

Later, inside the temple of Earth, Yuta tells Agni that he believes a clue to the solution of the situation may be found in the temple of Konchez but he cannot get in on his own. Agni agrees to put together an expedition with the appropriate attributes. Then he asks Yuta why he kept the truth about being Maruna's brother from Leez. Saddened, Yuta reveals that he told Leez countless times over the last seven years but she would repeatedly choose to forget.

Chapter 44: The Meaning of Revenge[]

(1) Leez and Kasak Rajof speak about the events of the previous day, which Kasak managed to sleep through somehow. Leez tells Kasak to talk to Agni since there will be an expedition to another planet. Kasak feels like there is someone standing next to Leez and asks if it is a sura concealing itself. When Leez is about to explain, Ran Sairofe shows up and since he is frightened of Kasak, Leez quickly ushers the half away. Ran steps up to Leez and asks why she did not tell him she returned together with Yuta and why Yuta is ignoring him, since Yuta is obviously standing right next to Leez.

(2) Ran, Leez, and Yuta are together at a restaurant. When Ran learns that Yuta is not actually corporeally there and he can only interact with those who can see him, he teases Yuta by waving a steak in front of him, which Yuta cannot eat. The only ones who can see Yuta are Agni, Chandra, Leez, Ran, and a stray cat. So the criterium remains unclear. When Leez refuses to open up about herself, Ran suggests they go to a more grown-up place.

(3) Leez and Ran come to a bar. They took turns asking questions and whenever the other person could not answer, they had to drink. Both got drunk.

While Ran falls asleep on the table, Leez gets aggressive, she waves her sword around, at Yuta, yelling at him to get lost and how it would have been better had he never come. The onlookers think she must be crazy to fight something imaginary. Yuta adorns a saddened expression.

Leez slashes her sword around, demolishing the place. She laments that she lived in her village for fifteen years with just her mother and the villagers, it was her world and that bastard Maruna took it all away, destroyed her whole world in one swipe!

Suddenly, Clari Utas steps in and loudly accuses Leez of lying. She calls Leez a fraud and her story a fake. Leez's alleged mother, Anna Haias, died in N5 so Leez obviously could not have lived with her until N15.

(4) Tears spill from Leez's eyes. Mirha Simon and Ruche Seiran step in to defend Leez. Ruche criticizes Clari for being insensitive to a traumatized survivor of a red sky incident. She insults Clari and drives her out of the establishment.

Mirha and Ruche put Leez to sleep. They discuss if Leez was telling the truth. While Ruche easily believes Leez's story, Mirha harbors doubts. They both leave for their rooms.

Yuta is revealed to have been standing by Leez's bedside all along. He looks down at Leez and apologizes. Thanks to his insight, he saw the past Leez had remembered and that the reason she started hating bird-like suras was not only because of Maruna.

Seeing her asleep, he finds it difficult to control himself and decides he needs to get out, however, Leez grabs his sleeve and asks him to stay, threatening to kill him should he leave, while actually thinking that if she is left alone, she will kill herself. She reveals much of her body, making Yuta's eyes go wide.

(5) In the sura realm, Yuta seems to struggle again. The nastikas nearby him note that he is acting up more severely than the last time, and wonder what they should do since Airavata is not there. They recall that hitting Yuta would usually work and start discussing who should do the honors. Eventually, Taksaka punches Yuta, throwing him far across the land and making a crater in the ground, bloodying Yuta.

In Kalibloom, Ran Sairofe barges into Leez's room, worried about the loud noise he heard. Yuta, tied up and bloodied, is lying on the floor and Leez is lying on top of him, pulling his hair back. She tells Yuta that all she wants is to hold hands while sleeping.

Ran quickly gets the wrong impression, apologizes for interrupting, and attempts to set the door that he broke into place. Yuta pushes back the door and yells that it is not like that at all. Leez is still clinging to him.

Ran and Yuta manage to put Leez back to sleep and, amused, Ran asks if Leez was the one who tied up Yuta. Yuta audibly denies this and continues with an explanation. Surprisingly enough, despite using sura speech, Ran was able to hear the first sentence, just like he heard Yuta's shouting earlier.

Yuta quickly tests Ran's hearing abilities by saying a few insulting statements at different volumes of speech. Finally, he determines that Ran can hear speech spoken with a radius of twenty steps when he is standing next to the person. Then Yuta proceeds to explain himself, speaking loudly enough for Ran to hear. He tied himself up and he is bleeding because his body in the sura realm is bleeding. The reason Yuta tied himself up is because it somewhat helps should he start losing control, though even then, this solution is far from foolproof. The only true solution is suppressing his feelings towards Leez.

Just then, an old lady notices the broken door and asks about the noise in the room. Ran tries to explain that he just broke some things while stumbling around drunk and sends her away.

(6) Yuta stands on a balcony overlooking the city at night. Ran comes out to look for him and Yuta admits he found it increasingly harder to control himself, especially seeing Leez was smiling in her sleep. The feeling that Yuta is trying to suppress is not hunger. He tried once, he used to believe his love could overcome the hunger and Leez believed it too. But it was impossible. Whenever they would try to make love, Yuta ended up killing Leez. When she would wake up, she would smile and claim to be alright, but Yuta felt like he would go crazy.

Ran tries to comfort him by saying that Yuta did not mean for those things to happen, but Yuta claims that this does not justify his violence. If the results are always terrible, he needs to suppress the cause. Yuta thinks back to his mother, telling him to love as much as he wants, for everything he loves is a feast she had prepared for him. And so, Yuta is doing his best not to allow himself to feel love for Leez as this is the only way to protect her.

Suddenly, a group of magicians with flashlights interrupt, arriving to arrest Ran.

Yuta immediately comes to Chandra and Agni, who are in the Temple of Earth, discussing who to send on the expedition to Konchez. Yuta emphasizes that Ran must take part in the expedition no matter what and he asks the gods to help him.

Chandra goes to fetch Leez and Ran, pretending that Yuta is standing beside him, invisible, and freeing Ran of any accusations.

(7) Yuta and Agni are standing by the bed of Siera Sies, who got injured in the fragment experiment. Yuta expresses regret that he cannot help Siera while he is in this fake body, though perhaps he could have done something with his real body. He claims that he did not know that the sura that got summoned through Siera was Shakuntala, however, he does know for sure that the entity escaped the control of the node because when Yuta felt the activity of a major node-level entity in the human realm, he separated its connection. Though apparently, Yuta's mother noticed, got angered, and sent the Taraka clan suras through the lake of reflection in retaliation.

Yuta's mother would likewise not be happy about Yuta taking action, however, she is currently unable to use her full strength. Willarv should be fine if the lake is covered and the occasional gate is dealt with. Agni worries if the party that will be accompanying Yuta to Konchez will be alright without mediation. Especially since both Leez and Maruna are going. Although Agni was against sending Maruna, he suggests Yuta should claim it was Agni's order because otherwise, Leez might end up hating Yuta. Yuta responds that he would be glad if that happened.

Later, Chandra, Agni, Brilith Ruin, Maruna, Ran, Leez, and Yuta gather for an information meeting about the Konchez expedition. Ran shows disbelief that they expect him of all people to venture to another planet. Chandra insists that there might be important clues to stopping the Tarakas on Konchez and Ran's skill with water magic will prove useful since the group will need to use the water channels to reach the planet, otherwise twenty million lightyears away.

Ran also has an advantage in that he can see Yuta and hear sura speech. Apparently Kasak was also considered, but since Ran is afraid of halfs, the dragon will not be joining. When Agni promises to personally protect Ran's wife and children if he goes, Ran finally concedes. The group heads towards the water channel entrance.

(8) Laila Hemawati gives Ran a cloak that lets him store items. Chandra rushes them along and then introduces the final party member that will be joining. Kaz Lehn and his cat enter the room.

At first, Leez vocally complains against Kaz going but Chandra quickly explains that the one going will not be Kaz, but rather his cat. Kaz had used the Eye of Perishment, an item of Kali that allows suras to develop, on the cat earlier in order to trick Maruna, who was after the item. Chandra calms down the panicking Maruna by explaining that the item can be reused. The decision of whether to use the Eye and let Maruna develop will be up to Ran, who should wait until he can trust Maruna.

Chandra further reminds Maruna that Leez, Ran, and Yuta - who is there even if Maruna cannot see him - are valuable lives and Maruna must protect them. Allowing Maruna to develop is a possible way to deal with unforeseen danger but since the Eye of Perishment damages suras who use it, Kaz set the rule that Maruna must make a sincere wish for a human's happiness, that way he will not harm them even if he is mentally damaged.

Ran, Maruna, Leez and Yuta enter the Willarv water channels. They reach section 79-A within merely half a day. They even took an underwater shortcut. Leez appears gleeful at first glance and lightheartedly chats with Ran, however, Yuta worries that she is acting and wonders if it is okay to leave the situation as it is. He wishes he could hear her thoughts but he cannot activate this ability of his at will. They finally reach the passage towards the water channels of Konchez.

Chapter 45: Crime and Punishment[]

(1) The party passes through the Konchez water channels, filled with lava instead of water. When Maruna walks near the edge and the lava lightly scorches the tips of his cloak, Ran grabs his arm and warns him to be careful since he would end up a fried chicken if he falls. Maruna angrily glares at him. Yuta steps in and assures Ran that the lava would not hurt a fire attribute rakshasa. When Ran wonders why Maruna is glaring like that, Yuta suggests it might be due to the poor wording Ran chose.

Leez draws attention to the fact that the path they need to take seems to be submerged below water. They consider how to get across. Since Ran is the only one who cannot fly, Leez offers to carry him. Though Yuta attempts to intercede and offer to do it instead, Leez does not heed any complaints, picks Ran up, and casts bhavati kubera.

The group exists the channels. Ran and Leez light-heartedly bicker and they decide to rest until the hour of wind to refill their daily spell use limits. Maruna is standing slightly aside from the group and looking away the whole while. Leez takes off to scout the area and silence envelopes the group.

When Ran cannot take it anymore, he attempts to break the silence and converse with Yuta. When he asks why Maruna does not believe Yuta is there, Yuta explains that Maruna knows something is present, he just does not believe it is him. He expresses certainty that Maruna will realize this eventually and that there is no need to go out of their way to prove it.

Ran says the situation is terribly uncomfortable with both Leez and "that guy" ignoring practically everyone. Yuta reminds that "that guy's" name is Maruna. Ran corrects himself, but Maruna appears angry upon hearing his name spoken.

Night falls and both Ran and Leez are asleep. Maruna suddenly addresses Yuta, asking him to listen if he is really there. About Samphati... He trails off, concludes that he must be going crazy, and takes flight, temporarily separating from the party. Yuta watches him with eyes turned turquoise.

When Ran and Leez wake up and ask about Maruna, Yuta explains that his brother found it uncomfortable to stay and will catch up to them at the temple on his own. As the party walks towards the Temple of Chaos, Yuta explains that the reason the attributes of fire, water, and earth are necessary for accessing the temple, is because Kali was friends with the strongest gods that represent them: Kubera, Agni, and Varuna.

(2) Yuta tells Ran and Leez the story of how Kubera was the first among the gods who resolved to kill Gandharva for the slaughters he was committing at the time. Kubera acted alone because Agni would not have agreed with the methods and the other gods were not interested. He personally went to visit Kali and respectfully asked her to give the power to annihilate souls to Gandharva, suggesting that this will offer Kali a more amusing way to end the universe. Kali is able to give skills because the name that can annihilate souls was among the many dangerous and forbidden names she possesses.

The death of a human means little to a god since the afterlife where the souls go is under their jurisdiction. The annihilation of souls presented a problem for them, though. The gods heavily argued about changing the soul system and transporting the souls to the underworld directly after death, before Gandharva can destroy them. But many souls got annihilated at Gandharva's hands before the gods could reach an agreement.

Suddenly, Ran interrupts Yuta's story by briefly recalling the correlation with some of what Asha Rahiro told him seven years ago. He is surprised at how he could forget. Leez tells him not to try to remember and to leave remembering such filth to her. The atmosphere becomes awkward and Ran asks Yuta to continue. He quickly realizes the connection between the change of the rules of the afterlife and the myth about hoti visnu, according to which a resurrected person has a different soul. Yuta confirms that this was the reason why the gods were divided and them reaching an agreement took far longer than Kubera expected.

When Ran asks how Yuta knows all this, Yuta explains that his mother told him about these things, but they actually happened long before he was born. Although Kali knew her actions were bad she did not think that what was bad was not right.

As a result of Kubera's actions, Agni redoubled his efforts to kill Gandharva, and Varuna too became set on the nastika's death. When asked, Kali claimed that Gandharva stole the power to annihilate souls from her, just like he stole the name Gandharva at the beginning of the universe. The gods believed her. And those who were most set on killing Gandharva gathered here on Konchez.

Suddenly, Yuta's narration gets interrupted as the ground around the party begins to crack and an enormous Taraka clan sura appears.

(3) As the monster looms over them, Ran yells towards Yuta that he does not think this thing is friendly. A rock hovering near the monster is hit by a transcendental, and Ran turns to Leez, asking her why the attack went wild. Leez drops her sword and explains that it will be of no use against this type of Taraka. She asks Ran to take Yuta and run when the chance appears.

As Leez casts hoti kubera and sets off to fight, Ran asks Yuta to intercede. Yuta's hands shiver as he voices agreement with Leez's decision. It is impossible for all of them to get past it, so Leez will have to distract the monster while they escape.

Yuta picks up Leez the Cat and tells Ran to get on his way, but Ran calls Yuta out for not caring about Leez's pain, acting like her hurting herself does not matter because she regenerates anyway. Ran thought Yuta sincerely cared about her so what is this attitude?

Yuta concedes and agrees with going back to help Leez. Yuta's hands shiver violently. In his mind, Yuta begs his mother not to intercede now. Ran charges at the Taraka but Yuta is no longer there.

(5) Yuta wakes up and finds himself tied to a galaxy-like tree. He is relieved to recognize his mother was unable to use her body and needed to get a Taraka to restrain him. He breaks out using a transcendental, noting that the escape took several times more vigor than it would in his real body. He sets out to search for the rest of his party so that they can capture Kali's body, but Kubera in child form steps into his way. Yuta is surprised to see the god before him and warns him that Leez might get hurt if he gets stalled. The small man holds up his fists and tells him that he would have to fight him to get through.

(7)(8)(9) Kali possesses the body of Yuta's double and attacks Leez, beating her, torturing her, killing her, waiting for her to regenerate, only to repeat the whole thing again. She seems impressed when she realizes Leez was attempting to flee because she did not wish for Yuta to blame himself for her death. And so Kali initiates conversation.

(10) Kali was displeased with Leez using the name "Yuta" because the fact that Yuta acknowledged that name weakened his true name, which he must have remembered by now. He only chose to hide it in order to prevent Taraka from finding him.

Kali believes that life without love is a blessing. Yuta can never love Leez or anyone else, not in this world and not in any other. He will be forever alone.

(11)(12) After a convincing speech emphasizing that Leez has reason to hate Maruna even if he did not destroy her village, Kali uses a transcendental to send Leez seven years back in time, to the situation which led to Yuta's development to 3rd stage. Leez, however, sticks to the decisions her younger self would have made which allows events to play out as they originally did.

(13) Upon returning to the present, Kali reveals alternative possibilities to the events of seven years ago.

If Leez had chosen to attack Asha instead of Maruna, Yuta would have interfered and attempted to convince Leez to stop, but upon her refusal, he would assume that Leez must be an enemy planted by his mother to hinder Visnu and everything he has seen of Leez was merely an act. He would develop to protect Asha and end up killing Leez. This allegedly misguided belief of Yuta was caused by the education of Shuri, who spent centuries teaching him that Visnu is right.

If Leez had not attacked anyone, Yuta would not have developed, Samphati would have used Leez to make Yuta suffer, and eventually kill him.

Kali's ultimate goal is for Ananta to get resurrected and for Yuta to die at the same time. Then Yuta would return to life, forget everything he had been taught, and consume everything in his way until he swallows the universe itself. Even if there are some detours along the way, Kali believes that all possibilities will lead to this outcome.

(14) Kali offers to give a powerful name to Leez, but when Leez refuses, she settles for gifting a pair of shoes that god Kubera allegedly used in the previous universe, and which increase regeneration and defense, as long as they stay in contact with the earth.

Leez suggests that Kali must have taken on a nastika name in order to give birth to Yuta because gods and suras cannot have offspring between them. There is a flashback where Kali seems to be holding a baby Yuta amidst a battlefield.

(15)(16) Ran and Maruna find Leez. Kali pretends that she is Yuta and convinces the party to give up on taking her body. Then she reveals that months have passed while the group was on Konchez and Willarv got destroyed in the meantime. She offers a chance for the group to travel back in time and prevent this destruction through a machine she created. However, only one can pass at a time. Leez goes first.

Chapter 47: Words That Never Reached You[]

(5) According to Ran, when Yuta helped him escape Konchez, he warned Ran that one of his children has an important soul and someone would come to take it from Mistyshore.

(10) When Yuta woke up on Konchez, with his mouthpiece off and Ran and Maruna standing next to him, he was confused and remembered none of what transpired earlier. Ran tells him that he sent Leez into the past because he had convinced them that Willarv got destroyed and they needed to return in order to save it.

Yuta quickly realizes that his mother had been in control of his body. The universe they are in has been abandoned and if they do not quickly follow Leez, they will cease to exist. It would seem that the gods allowed Willarv to be destroyed as a last resort to stop Ananta's resurrection. Kali was unsatisfied with the outcome and she sent Leez back in order to make the past before Willarv's destruction reality and this current universe a mere possibility. A universe that has been reduced to a possibility will burn up energy and collapse. If they stay there, they will disappear.

Yuta claims he they do not have the time for a better explanation. He realizes that the device Kali used to send the others back does not have the power to transport more than one person. Since he does not wish to let Ran or Maruna disappear there, he will send them both to a place beyond time. From there, it will be up to them to find Leez's reality. Yuta stays behind and asks Ran to tell Leez that he is sorry.

Although this was only Yuta's double and the real body is still in the sura realm, Yuta will probably not remember the events of Konchez.

Chapter 48: Separation[]

(5)(6) While Kasak Rajof is fighting Taraka near Kalibloom, in the sura realm, Taksaka starts getting agitated that Kasak might die, and says he would hold Yuta responsible. Yuta proposes sending Taksaka to Willarv to lend his aid. He explains that although nastikas are forbidden from crossing over, he observed Taraka as she sent through a nastika. But there is a drawback to this method: the price a nastika must pay for entering the passage to the human realm is vanishing from the universe's future.

(11)(25) He further warns Taksaka that power that violates Visnu's rules relies on Kali's powers, and the more of it Taksaka will use, the more he will lose control until he becomes mindless like the Tarakas. In order to hold back, Taksaka must not forget about the person he wishes to protect. Yuta points Taksaka to the portal leading to Willarv and explains that it will open to the place with the highest transcendental value.

(27) When Chandra gets consumed and enters the Taraka consciousness, Yuta calls out to him warning that he cannot stay there because his body is in motion.

Chapter 49: The Golden Knight 2[]

(2) In a flashback to the seven years during which Leez and Yuta lived in the sura realm, it is revealed that they spent some time with the Yaksha clan. At first, the Yakshas were friendly to them, eager to uphold the wishes of Shuri, who raised Yuta. But over time, they became passionate about killing Yuta. Leez would try to cover Yuta's ears so that he would not hear all their malicious cries.

(9) According to Brahma, The Taraka clan has been temporarily pacified due to Taraka's recent death, however, in 49 days Yuta is to become king and the Taraka problem will get worse by far.

(10) In the prophecy Sagara read in the records of time, it was stated that Ananta will kill the king of the Taraka clan.

