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Hura is a rakshasa of the Asura clan and the only support sent to Sagara in the human realm from his clan. (He has no gender, but this article uses male pronouns for him for convenience.)


In human form, Hura has a slender and androgynous appearance. He has pale purple skin and long, dark, purplish-grey straight hair which is cut slightly diagonally in front (covering his right eye). Hura has a pink left eye, with a pink pupil, a sharp and slightly elongated nose and unnaturally long and thin fingers. He has four arms, but usually hides two under his cloak. He wears pink high-heel clogs and a purplish-black suit that covers the lower part of his body as well his arms and hands, with stirrups around the feet and shoes. On top of the suit he wears a purplish-grey poncho that extends just below his hips.

In his sura form, he looks insect-like and is quite small compared to other suras.  His body is purplish-black colored and he has two legs, four arms, and four insect-wings. He has fully pink eyes, long, dark, purplish-grey hair, a shield like scale with two extensions on his head, and a deformed toothy mouth. He has a pink pattern on his legs, scales, and upper parts of the wings.


1-81 Hura is full of himself

Hura showing off[1]

He has a mischievous personality and has been shown playing around and daring other suras for fun. Hura seems to get bored quickly and is not suited for waiting, and his impatience causes him to repeat his mistakes and annoy other people. He doesn't care for others' opinions and dislikes following orders. For example, despite being sent to help Sagara's army, he refuses to do as Riagara says because he isn't an Ananta and, as such, shouldn't have to answer to her. Even though he likes to brag about himself, whenever things get dangerous he's quick to back away. Upon realizing that Kasak is the equivalent of a 5th-stage rakshasa, he complains no one warned him about facing someone like him and Riagara manages to make him admit he refused to eliminate the humans in Atera because he was scared, since there were a lot of magicians.

He is equally rude to everyone, regardless of rank. He lacks the sense to watch what he says around those who are stronger than him. He would have been dead ages ago if it were not for his incredible regeneration speed and his ability to resurrect multiple times.[2]

Despite his attitude, he seems to understand more of what is going on than the other suras in Sagara's group, and has his own agenda that may not necessarily line up with theirs. He knows about the power of names and deduces from Maruna and Yuta's conversation during their battle that the power of the Garuda clan's name lies with Yuta.[3] He also interferes with Clophe and Cloche twice: once threatening to eat them to prevent them from reuniting with Sagara when she was about to fight Agni,[1] and another time taking Clophe hostage to coerce Cloche to follow him out of the radius of Asha's hoti vishnu.[4]

Skills and Abilities[]

Transcendental Skills[]

  • effect: attract transcendentals

Hura uses this skill to redirect Kasak Rajof's transcendentals to himself (and away from the rest of his team) during the second attack on Atera.[5]

  • effect: resurrection and full recovery after death (with the exception of vigor)

Hura uses this skill quite a few times in conjunction with Transcendental Trap during the second attack on Atera, and loses at least half of his daily lives thanks to Kasak.[5][6]


  • Hura seems to be suited for stealth due his small sura form, healing, and regenerative skills.
  • He is the only Asura sura to participate in the Atera attack, and the only one seen inside the story, aside from a brief appearance of King Asura himself.
  • He is not very popular. Even in his clan he is known as the "King of Idiots," which raises the question of whether Cloche is right and the Asura clan sent him to get rid of him, rather than to support Sagara.
  • The LINE Webtoon translation uses "she" pronouns for Hura.
  • His file:


Season 1[]

Chapter 6: The Past I Yearn For[]

(4) Hura arrives in the human realm via Kubera's gate along with the rest of Sagara's army.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

1-67 turrets hitting Hura

(4) In preparation for their attack on Atera, Hura, along with Cloche, Clophe, Riagara, Pingara, and Maruna, wait outside the city for Sagara's signal. Hura complains that Maruna's unique transcendental is useless in battle since he can only use it in human form. He also notices Shess's absence, but Riagara tells him Shess only came along for a holiday, not to help them. Hura continues to irritate Cloche until she lashes out saying she can't believe the Asura clan only sent him to help them. He replies that it's because he's better than a whole army. Hura is getting impatient, so Riagara warns him not to be overconfident. Hura accuses her of being afraid of humans, transforms to his sura form, and flies off towards Atera that is still being actively protected by the barrier. After a few attempts of entering that are blocked by Atera's turrets, Hura returns to the others.

Maruna calls Hura an idiot for not escaping the turrets' fires by switching to his human form.

(7) Hura expresses boredom and complains that there still hasn't been a signal from Sagara. Suddenly, the signal flashes.

(8) Hura and the rest of Sagara's crew watch as Maruna continues to launch his attacks on Atera's barrier, which is then restored each time, leaving Hura to wonder why Sagara hasn't managed to get the Priest away from the barrier stone yet. Once the barrier is permanently down, Hura calls out Cloche for hypocritically doubting Sagara just before it broke. Riagara tells them to focus on the objective and to take their sura forms.

(9) Hura, Riagara, and Pingara gather outside the Magic Guild. Hura thinks all three of them aren't needed to attack it, and suggests sending backup to Cloche. Hura thinks that the upanis are enough to handle the Magic Guild, but when he calls them, he sees sura body parts splattering onto the ground. They then notice a Half dragon feasting on a large snake and glaring at them.

1-73 Agwen's POV

(10) Hura is surpised that Kasak didn't dodge Riagara's transcendental attack, but Riagara explains that he was merely gauging her strength and must be a Half dragon at least 100 years old, almost equivalent to a 5th-stage rakshasa. Hura is shocked at this and thinks that they're goners, but Pingara explains that the Half dragon is disadvantaged in vigor. Kasak then blasts them (and a section of the city) with his invisible fire breath. Hura survives the attack with his Twelve Comeback ability. Riagara comes up with a plan to lure the Half dragon away, and leaves a protesting Hura to induce (and die from) Kasak's attacks in order to drain his vigor.

1-73 Hura draws Kasak's attack

(11) Hura continues to draw all of Kasak's attacks, all the while trying to regenerate and run fast enough to survive, and is worried because he only has five lives left. He is finally granted relief when Maruna kidnaps Agwen and flies away with Kasak giving chase.

(14) Riagara leaves Hura behind at the Magic Guild to search for survivors while she leaves for the Temple of Fire and Sagara.

1-81 Hura knocks Clophe down

(18) Leaving the battle behind, Hura finds Cloche and Clophe in the forest. He shows no signs of fatigue and brags about his amazing healing powers. He begins to heal the injured Clophe, but warns them not to follow Maruna because Agni had joined the fight. When Clophe struggles to stand, Hura kicks him to the ground and threatens to eat both Clophe and Cloche if they don't stay put.

Chapter 11: The Power of Names[]

1-85 Hura

Hura near Rindhallow after the attack on Atera

(2) Sagara's crew is back near Rindhallow, and they accuse Hura of being scared and running away from the humans at the Magic Guild during the siege of Atera. Hura admits that yes, he ran away, but it was because Agni's fire snakes were attacking and he only had a few revivals left, not because he was scared of humans. Hura then accuses Riagara of not thoroughly checking for survivors when she left to assist Sagara, then asks if their king is really worth all their devotion. Pingara calms down the angry Riagara and admits that Hura did help them. Cloche also adds in that Hura saved her and Clophe from danger during the retreat. When Cloche reports that Maruna and Shess' whereabouts are unknown, and Gandharva is now deep within the ocean sulking, Hura scoffs that the reason the nastikas from the Gandharva clan keep coming to the Asura clan is because Gandharva is a lousy king. Hura listens as Sagara divuldges that Gandharva wasn't always like this.

Season 2[]

Chapter 18: The Test of the Sword[]

(4) Along the rest of Sagara's army, he reappears in the second season of Kubera in the vicinity of Kalibloom. The group is left waiting again, after Sagara goes to the Chaos Temple herself. Eventually, they find upani corpses and with Cloche's abilities they discover that they were killed by a black shadow with wings. Upon hearing Hura boast that eating prey alive is common in the Asura clan, he's considered a suspect by Riagara and Pingara. However, when this assumption is quickly dismissed by Cloche saying that the sura in question was much larger and had a tail, Kasak becomes the main suspect.

Chapter 20: Grudge[]

(2) Sagara holds a meeting with her army (including Hura and excluding Riagara and Gandharva), Riagara as she had left earlier to convince Maruna to help, and Gandharva as she believes he will not be of any help as of now due to his conflicted feelings over killing the priestess of Chaos. However, Sagara is also convinced that he is merely looking for another way. Hura notes that they couldn't just sit here and wait regardless. Sagara agrees, saying that from what she saw at the Temple of Chaos, they have no time to waste. Hura wonders if Sagara was seeing things at the Temple of Chaos, since it'd be dangerous to cooperate with God Kubera if he keeps changing his mind. Sagara says that even so, he is on their side, which confuses Hura.

(5) Hura notes that Teo's group of fighters have started moving towards the barrier limits. Sagara's group realizes that Gandharva wants to force the Priest out of the barrier without killing her.

(6) Pingara reports that Gandharva is trying to persuade Teo to go outside of the barrier, but the priestess is reluctant. Hura suggests using Elwin as bait, but Cloche says that Riagara threw Elwin to a bunch of upanis, and they've probably eaten her by now. Hura pities the priest for searching for a daughter who's already been eaten, and Cloche blurts out, "just like Gandharva." Hura asks if this means Shakuntala was really eaten, and Cloche claims that it was just quite likely. Hura recalls Cloche's transcendental skill that allows her to see a person's last moments from their bloodstains. Sagara then instructs Hura and Pingara to kill off the humans who have left the barrier, then to come with her to see the priest. She instructs Cloche and Clophe to head to another direction.

Within the Chaos barrier, Teo notes that the others have been gone for too long. She then sees Sagara approach with Hura and Pingara.

(7) While facing off against Teo, Sagara orders Hura to get Parr, only for Hura to tell her that Parr has escaped. When Sagara demands to know why he hadn't given chase, Hura cheekily responds that he wasn't sure if she was supposed to be caught, and Sagara hadn't given any orders. An annoyed Sagara tells him to give chase, and he obliges.

Chapter 21: Frozen Tears[]

(10) Hura questions Sagara's decision to let Parr go, noting that the action isn't typical of her, and decides there must be a hidden reason for it.

Chapter 22: The One Standing Before Me[]

(1) Leez fires off a transcendental attack using the Sword of Return, and it ends up hitting Hura, who is unable to regenerate. Hura, unable to regenerate, ends up using up one of his lives. Maruna asks what he wants, and he replies that he is there to help. Maruna realizes that the turrets are not firing at the sura-form Hura. Hura explains that the barrier disappeared after Agni left, and that Sagara has since managed to secure the barrier seat. Maruna then spots Leez approaching, and recognizes her as the one who escaped from the village near Atera. She fires off another attack from the sword, hitting Hura again, while Maruna dodges by flying up. In response, he fires up his unique transcendental and blasts a crater without giving Hura a chance to get away first.

(8) Hura seems suspicioualy excited over something unknown, until Maruna startles him out of his thoughts. Hura asks if he was injured, and asks how Maruna is going to explain his most recent fight to Sagara, as by using his red sky transcendental Maruna had alerted many humans to his presence. Hura tells him he was careless for letting him find out that his brother has his clan's name. Maruna threatens to kill him, causing Hura to panic, saying to calm down and that he has something important to tell him.

(10) Hura heals Riagara, Pingara, and Cloche, who have returned after being attacked by Yuta. He asks how they managed to get so seriously hurt, but they are too shaken up to speak. Hura asks Sagara instead, and receives the same response (or lack thereof). He finally gets a response when Cloche, glancing at Maruna, deceptively blames the attack on Kasak.

Chapter 26: Outsider[]

(10) As the screams of a snake are heard in the distance, Hura expresses surprise that Maruna is hunting again, and tells Cloche that it must be hard putting up with it.

Chapter 28: Emergency[]

(3) In Aurora Forest near Rindhallow, Hura tells Cloche that Sagara made a bold move in calling Samphati, someone from an enemy clan who could easily overpower them, and that she was respectful to Sagara, unlike Maruna. Cloche wonders how they will pass the time until Samphati returns from doing Sagara's bidding, as the 5th-stage rakshasa would be the one to break Rindhallow's barriers. Just as Pingara begins to suggest that they test the strength of the city's defense, Hura interrupts, asking where "he" is since nobody has seen him since Samphati's arrival. Pingara remarks that he seemed unwell for the past few days, to which Hura expresses amazement that he could read that face at all. Riagara then tells Hura to stop talking and test the turrets' attack patterns. Hura expresses reluctance, but Riagara insists since the other members of the group do not have the ability to resurrect themselves.

Chapter 31: Your Justice And Mine[]

(16) In the Aurora Forest, when meeting with Sagara's army alongside Samphati, Maruna drags Hura along before they leave. The two Garuda suras, with Hura in tow, land on a snowy cliff where Sagara awaits them. She asks about the kids' reaction and Maruna tells her they were crying over her. Sagara says it was for the best that she did not tell them herself. Hura remarks that she looks relaxed for someone about to take on a god in an area where the Earth attribute is nullified. After discussing Sagara's choice to fight Agni and her newly regained transcendentals, Hura mentions that the only wildcards left who can influence the battle are the Taraka clan hybrid, the half dragon, and Gandharva. Sagara replies that while she faces Agni, it is their job to deal with the rest. Samphati tells Hura that they will not fight directly but will follow her direction; she plans on dealing with everyone aside from Agni. She begins to transform.

(18) At Sky Tower, a trio of magicians report to Saha on their search of the sky using hoti surya. They were unable to find anything in sura form, but one caught a glimpse of only a wing tip of something moving very fast. Saha reports that the sura using the transcendental is too high above the cities to see, and the turrets are attacking a different sura from the Garuda clan, likely the one who caused the red sky incidents, who is fast enough to avoid the attacks. When one magician marvels that a sura using Hiding could be so fast, Saha tells her no, another sura (Hura) is riding it and is probably the one cloaking them, and both are drawing the turrets away from the sura above.

(19) Using the Sword of Hellfire, Agni turns dark and fires up an explosive transcendental, attacking Sagara. The flames temporarily distract Maruna; Hura, riding on his back, complains that they almost just got hit by a turret. Maruna notes that Agni found Sagara. Hura does not seem to care which of the two wins or dies, and points out that they are both Maruna's enemies in the end.

(23) Hura notices that Samphati is no longer attacking and sees the pillar of light in the distance; he deduces that a human with the name Kubera must have died. Maruna is surprised because the cities' barriers are still intact. He wonders how the Kubera died, then realizes that it may be the doing of "that magician". Hura wonders if they have a human collaborator, but Maruna tells him that it just happens to be someone following the same course as them, but may turn out to be a troublesome enemy in the end. He wonders how much power the magician has stolen from the Kubera this time. Asha, wearing her Hunter's Eyes, uses hoti surya hoti indra to strike the flying pair, hitting Hura. As he regenerates, he gushes about how it was an amazing and powerful shot, even though they were hidden and moving at high speed, and that only his resurrection ability prevented him from dying. Maruna notices that the Hiding has worn off, and since Samphati is no longer attacking, he decides to retreat.

(26) In a snowy valley where Maruna and Hura have met up with Riagara and Cloche, Maruna tries to figure out the reason for Samphati's absence. Hura suggests that Samphati may still be on the lookout above, plus Gandharva has yet to appear. Maruna, visibly annoyed at the other two rakshasas pestering him over Sagara, gives Cloche an unnerving look before finally responding that their king will returned unharmed. He reveals that Sagara is using his little brother as a shield, then turns and walks away. He then suggests that they avoid attacking without recognizing who they are fighting first, since it would not have any affect anyway. Hura thinks to himself that Maruna was simply keeping his cool when he said that "Sagara must win," and realizes that he must be holding back his fury over the abuse of his brother.

(29) Hura notices that an attack was launched from the cities, and wonders if Maruna is okay and needs help. Cloche and Riagara appear unbothered, saying to ignore him as their current task was more important, and if they succeeded his death would benefit them anyway since they were enemies.

Chapter 32: Loser[]

(5) At the sura gathering, Cloche notices that Hura is missing.

(7) Cloche leaves the sura gathering and goes in search of Clophe. She finds him unconscious with Hura, who threatens to kill her brother if she refuses to follow him somewhere safe.

Season 3[]

Chapter 36: Another Beginning[]

(3) Nearby the ruins of the Temple of Destruction outside Atera, Cloche frets about Clophe, who ran off somewhere again. Hura tells her not to worry since her brother can protect himself, just before revealing the location of a possible gate to the sura realm.

(4) Hura informs Cloche that they have seen suras arriving through the gate, however, something is strange about them. They do not respond when talked at, and attack instead. Cloche demands to know why Hura is trying to send her through the portal in spite of the extreme danger. They tell her not to worry because she and Clophe can go together. She snaps back that Hura can go themself. They suddenly hear a screech from the gate.

(7) Hura and Cloche observe as many Yaksha clan suras exit the portal and begin to roam around. When they see an odd-looking Asura clan sura resembling a large green caterpillar, Hura notes that not only does it not respond to them, but it is possibly a sura of another clan wearing an Asura clanmate's skin like a cosplay outfit. Just as Cloche states that they want to avoid fighting in order to avoid detection by humans from the city... They spot Clophe attacking a human. Hura calls him useless.

(8) More humans run in. Cloche gets alarmed that there are so many humans here now, and decides that they must kill everyone who saw Clophe. Hura ignores Cloche and tells Clophe to just pretend to be a half, help the human out, and escape when he can later. Clophe easily clobbers a tiger-like sura and successfully feints being a half. He is asked to run when possible since some of the humans harbor prejudice against halfs.

Chapter 45: Crime and Punishment[]

(13) In a scene calling back to N16, after the attack on Kalibloom, Hura is seen talking to Gandharva, who is holding a dead Teo Rakan in his arms and crying. Hura says Gandharva staying on the spot may be dangerous considering how weak he is, but Gandharva replies he is not in the mood to talk and sends them to go bother someone else.

Then Hura suggests that there is a way to revive Teo, but it will not come for free. "If you gain something, you have to lose something. And if you have sinned, you have to be punished. Is that not the way of the world?"

Chapter 47: Words That Never Reached You[]

(2) Hura and Cloche observe from behind a tree, as Clophe approaches a group of humans searching for Teo Rakan. Cloche asks Hura if they are sure about Sagara's orders and are not just playing a prank. Hura asks if they would joke around to the point of putting everyone in danger, and Cloche reminds them that they have done it plenty of times.

(18) After the situation in which Shess lost control and destroyed the Temple of Earth is resolved, Hura and Cloche are shown observing from outside the city. Hura says that things need to end while Agni is still tied up in Mistyshore or else it will get difficult for them. Cloche points out that Chandra is still in Kalibloom, but Hura assures her that he is just one god, but they are not alone. He asks her how she thinks Chandra will react when all the cities without gods are attacked at once, alluding to the upcoming battle.

Chapter 48: Separation[]

(4) As Hura hits the barrier of Kalibloom with a transcendental, Cloche yells at him to wait for the signal first, but Hura claims he was only testing it since they were going to sneak into the city anyway. Hura adds that this is the day for which the Temple of Chaos was destroyed. As Hura gloats that this will be easier than it was seven years ago, Cloche points to Kasak Rajof, who is towering over the city in his enormous sura form.

Kasak uses a wide-range attack to locate them, but all the attacks curve in one direction. Kasak realizes this must mean he is facing the same annoying sura as 7 years ago.

(5) Hura is taking all of Kasak's subsequent attacks. Kasak tells him that he has met plenty like him in the sura realm and they never revived after their thirteenth death. He notes that Hura has died eleven times now. Hura attempts to strike a deal with Kasak but he ignores him. Just as Kasak is about to deal another killing blow, his transcendental fades and his form shrinks as Taraka arrives in the city with her eyes open. Taraka and Kasak engage in combat.

(8) In a flashback to N16, Hura is telling Gandharva how to ensure Teo Rakan's resurrection via Hoti Visnu. Hura asks if what happens to the original soul matters to Gandharva, he answers negatively. (10) A later flashback shows Hura in this scene overlapping with Kali and Menaka.

(15) Meanwhile, Gandharva and Shess join Kasak in the fight and a giant Taraka sura weapon appears and paralyzes Shess. Taraka suddenly attacks the sura weapon.

Hura, Cloche, Riagara and Pingara search for the portal back to Sagara but cannot find it. They assume Chatan, one of the two who are capable of opening the portal, must have received a new task. But the other person, Taraka, is right before them. Riagara deduces that Taraka must have betrayed them.

(22) As Taraka battles the huge Taraka sura weapon, the group of suras observes that the barrier of Earth is cracking. As they discuss whether they should try to sneak into the city, Chatan teleports before them, alone and missing one arm. The group questions him about this, but he does not answer.

Cloche suggests searching for Clophe and Chatan recommends that Hura and Pingara take care to carefully conceal themselves. Just when the group is questioning who could possibly see them, Taksaka appears hovering in the air nearby. The group freezes, Chatan steps in front of them and warns them not to let their guard down because Taksaka may be able to spot them.

(23) When Taksaka turns and leaves, Hura boasts that Taksaka could not see through his cloaking skills. Riagara doubts this and decides to join Sagara together with Pingara. Hura, Cloche, and Chatan head towards the city.

(30) The battle outside is already over by the time Cloche and Hura return with the godly items of god Kubera. Cloche complains that Clophe ran off again right after they met up with him. Chatan is already waiting at their meeting place, the kidnapped Leny lying next to him. Chatan's arm recovers and he explains that he used a transcendental available only when he injures himself in order to secure an escape group for Sagara. Hura grins as he recalls how Gandharva used that same transcendental when he was crying over Teo's dead body seven years ago.

When Sagara and Riagara step out of the portal, joining the group waiting near Kalibloom, Sagara looks around and notes that the minimum conditions are secured. She asks about Clophe, Hura breaks off Cloche's attempt to answer and asks about Pingara. Sagara tells them that Pingara would not be coming back. In disbelief, Cloche asks Riagara for an explanation.

Chapter 49: The Golden Knight 2[]

(4) Tatia and Sona approach Cloche and Hura, asking where Riagara is. Hura reveals that Riagara was put on probation for ignoring Sagara's orders and bringing about what befell Pingara, and that Chatan did not get blamed because he is too valuable as the only person who can open portals.

Cloche expresses belief that Riagara was justified to act on her emotions towards Sagara, to which Sona responds by growing a huge mouth with sharp teeth out of her arm and threatening to eat Cloche before her naivete can get in the way. Tatia reprimands Sona and asks her to go cool her head. Sagara calls Hura and Cloche over.

Sagara reveals that the spear of god Kubera is missing from his godly items, even though there is no reason for it not to be there if the resurrection attempt from 7 years ago was invalidated. Going forward with the resurrection will be impossible unless they either kill a Kubera or get their hands on one more of Kubera's items. On Hura's suggestion, Sagara finally decides that they go get the Golden Knight bracelet.

