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Cloche is a sura of the Ananta clan. She is part of Sagara's core group along with her older twin brother Clophe, all of whom arrive in the human realm in Season 1.


In her human form, Cloche appears as a young girl with slightly pale skin tone. She has long brown hair that she ties into two spiraling side-ponytails with gold-colored ribbons. She has thin brown eyebrows, red eyes with vertically elongated pupils and a black line under the lateral part of both of her eyes. Her outfit is composed of a long, gold-colored dress that appears spiky above the chest, a pair of matching gloves that reach midway between her shoulder and elbow and are spiky at the ends. She also wears a piece of lighter-gold cloth wrapped around her waist and tied in back.

Currygom describes her as looking more youthful than her fellow 4th-stage rakshasas Riagara and Pingara.[1]

1-72 Cloche

Cloche's sura form

In her sura form, she appears as a large, dark gold, snake-like creature. She has large lighter gold feathered wings, feathered patches along her body and feathered ears (that resemble Maruna's in his human form). Cloche has red eyes, a small red forked tongue and two sharp teeth on each jaw. She has two thin brown lines, that start from below her eyes, make a zig-zag behind her eyes, pass below her ears and elongate beyond the base of her wings.


Cloche can be somewhat emotional, being susceptible to taunts and quick to anger. she appears to be true to her words and discipline, going on with the plan and continuing to destroy the city, even after several potentially lethal failed attempts at doing so (although she shows signs of lacking confidence when initiating her second attack). Her lack of battle-sense and experience is apparent when she is rather easily felled by only a few magicians.[2] She cares about Clophe and protects him in his weakened state, refusing to leave him.[3]

Skills and Abilities[]

Transcendental Skills[]

  • effect: damage (physical)

This skill fires 8 beams at specific angles. Cloche uses this skill against opposing magicians during the second attack on Atera.[4]

  • effect: unknown

Cloche attempted to use this skill, but some magicians cast bhavati asvins to seal it before it could fire.[5]

  • effect: unknown

Cloche attempted to use this skill, but some magicians cast bhavati asvins to seal it before it could fire.[2]

  • effect: view the final memories of the deceased

Cloche uses this skill in order to learn more about who killed three 5th-stage upanis in the Chaos forest outside of the Temple of Chaos.[6]


  • Cloche and Clophe have rakshasa/nastika parents, which makes them weaker than normal rakshasas born between two nastika parents.[7] Their mother was a rakshasa and their father was a nastika.[8]
  • Cloche specializes in transcendentals, while Clophe specializes in hand-to-hand combat. Out of Sagara's group, she has the strongest transcendentals, but their long delays make it easy for magicians to seal them with bhavati asvins.[7]
  • "Cloche" means both "bell" in French and a woman's hat with a bell-shaped crown in English; however, the character name (kloh-cheh) and the English/French words (klohsh) are pronounced differently.
  • Her file:
  • Clophe and Cloche are twins, though Clophe was born first. They are older than Pingara.[8]



Cloche is the child of a nastika father and a rakshasa mother. She was mostly raised in the human realm under the care of her older upani half-brother Chloe, and with the presence of her mother. Despite having developed to fourth stage long before D875, she was not considering having children of her own because she felt it was time-consuming enough to care for her older twin brother who was still in second stage until that year. She would meet up with Pingara and Riagara and brag about the beauty of her home.[8]

Season 1[]

Chapter 6: The Past I Yearn For/Longing for Yesterday[]

(4) Cloche arrives in the human realm via Kubera's gate along with the rest of Sagara's army.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

(4) In preparation for their attack on Atera, Cloche, along with Clophe, Riagara, Pingara, Hura, and Maruna, wait outside the city for Sagara's signal. Cloche is jealous of Maruna's unique transcendental skill, and wishes she had one of her own. As she talks with her companions, she becomes agitated by Hura and his idiocy. When Hura flies towards Atera in his sura form, Cloche learns more about the barrier system from Riagara.

1-72 snake invasion

(7) (8) When Sagara gives the signal that the Priestess is secured, Cloche and the group wait for Maruna to break Atera's barrier. Maruna makes multiple attempts, so Cloche concludes that the Priestess is not a simple figurehead with a talent for summoning a god. Once the barrier is finally down, the group takes to their sura forms.

(9) Cloche arrives at the Atera Magic Academy and fires up her transcendental Dusky Field. An unknown magician casts bhavati asvins that is amplified by Urga's bhavati chandra. However, that does nothing to Cloche. Praul steps in to cast bhavati surya which paralyzes her.

(11) From the Temple, Airi notices Cloche at Atera Magic Academy. Airi also notices a different sura is coming to aid Cloche.

1-75 Cloche surrounded by bhavati chandra spheres

(12) (13) (14) The magicians attempt to finish Cloche off with a powerful combined bhavati marut attack, but Clophe saves her at the last moment, chastising her as he pushes her aside. Her head hits the side of a building and she regains consciousness. After Clophe explains the situation, Cloche attempts to use her transcendental Rainbow Stream but her attack is neutralized by Airi, who flies into her face and downs her. Regaining her senses, she quickly rises, complains that her two best transcendentals are now sealed, and attempts to convince Clophe to forget about Airi, but fails. She is finally able to successfully use Octuple Shine to attack the Magic Academy.

(17) To allow her rakshasas to escape Agni, Sagara orders Pingara and Riagara to leave her behind and find Cloche and Clophe while she stalls the god by appealing to his supposed fairness to give them time.

1-81 Cloche, Clophe, and Hura

(18) Once Sagara retreats and the battle is over, Cloche is back in human form trying to escape through a forest with an injured Clophe, whose tail was burnt off in an attack. Hura soon finds the siblings and taunts them. Cloche demands that Hura heal Clophe, but Asura merely kicks the injured rakshasa to the ground. Hura threatens to hurt Clophe if they persist in going after Sagara, since they are very weak and will only get in the way. The siblings comply and leave with Hura.

Chapter 11: The Power of the Name[]

1-85 speechless anantas

(2) Near Rindhallow, Cloche and the rest of Sagara's group (sans Sagara) listen to Hura as he makes excuses for his sudden retreat at Atera. When Hura manages to push Riagara's buttons too successfully, Cloche defends him by admitting that he saved her and Clophe from danger during the retreat. Out of nowhere, Sagara appears and joins the group, telling them the target in Atera escaped. When Hura brings up where Gandharva is, Cloche reports that according to the Gandharva suras she had exchanged with, their king is now sulking away in the deepest part of the ocean. Cloche listens as Sagara divuldges that Gandharva wasn't always like this.

Season 2[]

Chapter 14: Blood/Hide[]

2-8 maruna is hungry

(3) Somewhere near Rindhallow, Cloche gripes to Hura about Gandharva's stupidity and how he is allowing himself to be easily manipulated. When Hura cautions her that he could be listening in, she wonders out loud how that would be possible since he is in Kalibloom. Maruna unexpectedly appears behind her and threatens to eat her if she doesn't explain why Gandharva is there.

Chapter 18: The Test of the Sword[]

2-37 reading past events

(4) In a forest outside of Kalibloom, the group of five rakshasas investigates the killing of three 5th-stage upanis. Cloche uses her ability Last Memory to try and understand what could have killed them. She manages to see a black-winged shadow that devoured them while they were alive, which is uncommon among suras. They rule out Hura and the half dragon, and suddenly fear for Sagara's safety, as she has already left for the Temple of Chaos.

Chapter 20: Enmity[]

(2) In the Forest of Chaos, Sagara holds a meeting with Pingara, Hura, Cloche, and Clophe. She expresses her disappointment in Gandharva and plots to take down the Chaos barrier themselves. Cloche becomes upset when Hura expresses disbelief in Sagara's account of what God Kubera did in the Temple of Chaos and the fact that they are still allies.

2-54 Cloche and Clophe

(4) At the Forest of Chaos, Sagara receives the report that Gandharva is in the forest with a group of humans. Sagara describes Yuta and asks if he is in the crowd. Cloche does not think so, and wonders if they should approach.

2-56 waiting on the Chaos barrier

(6) When Hura suggests that they use Elwin as bait to draw the priest outside of the Chaos barrier, Clophe tells the group that Riagara has already disposed of her. Hura pities the priest for searching for a daughter who has already been eaten, and Cloche blurts out, "just like Gandharva." Hura asks if this means Shakuntala was really eaten, and Cloche claims that it was just quite likely. Hura recalls Cloche's transcendental skill that allows her to see a person's last moments from their bloodstains. Sagara instructs Hura and Pingara to kill off the humans who have left the barrier, then instructs Cloche and Clophe to head in another direction.

Chapter 21: Frozen Tears[]

(1) Cloche criticizes Clophe for never speaking to anyone except her. When he responds that he only wants to be friends with her, she asks him why he abandoned her to chase a human, and points out that he ran away in the end without killing her. She then realizes the Chaos barrier is gone, and they continue to wait for the Earth barrier to be broken so they can carry out Sagara's mission. Cloche reveals to her brother Sagara's plan to have Gandharva destroy Kalibloom by using something more than just emotional resonance.

Chapter 22: The One to Stand Before Me[]

2-78 Clophe and Cloche in the Earth Temple

(8) At the Temple of Earth, the security system for God Kubera's god-level items have been conveniently turned off, so Cloche and Clophe are able to return quickly to a waiting Sagara with the items.

2-79 horrified Cloche

(9) As Sagara and her crew attempt to quietly flee Kalibloom, Yuta confronts them and immediately takes down Riagara and Clophe at a speed that Cloche couldn't see. After he partially eats Pingara, he deduces that Cloche, who makes no attempt to fight, relies solely on transcendentals. When Kasak arrives and attacks Yuta, Sagara and Cloche escape with their injured comrades.

(10) Back in the Forest of Chaos, Hura heals the injured and asks how they got hurt. Cloches glances at Maruna before lying by saying they were attacked by the half dragon. When Maruna is questioned about the red sky, he claims he was fighting humans, which Cloche knows is a lie.

Chapter 26: Outsider[]

2-105 Cloche and Clophe

(5) Somewhere near Rindhallow, when Yuta eats an Ananta clan spy caught by Maruna, Cloche and the other rakshasas can hear its screams in the distance, assuming that Maruna is doing the eating. Cloche is upset and hopes that this time they get an ally without a large appetite for snakes. [Riagara tells her not to worry, because Sagara is calling someone who does not need to eat to recover vigor.

Chapter 28: Flight/Emergency[]

(3) Cloche wonders how they will pass the time until Samphati returns from doing Sagara's bidding, since they will be relying on the 5th-stage rakshasa to break Rindhallow's barriers.

Chapter 31: Your Justice and Mine[]

(16) In the Aurora Forest, Cloche complains to her fellow rakshasas about the delay in their attack and being kept in the dark about God Kubera's problems. She worries that a longer delay increases the chance that their clanmates will die in the upcoming battle. Samphati arrives with Maruna and explains that the Earth attribute of the snakes is nullified by the presence of Aeroplateau, so they will stay back while she does most of the attacking. However, the news that Sagara will fight Agni causes the Ananta rakshasas to become upset.

(26) After Samphati's attack stops and Maruna joins the other rakshasas, Cloche and Riagara demand to know why Maruna left Sagara behind. Maruna gives Cloche a look that unnerves her before responding that their king will return safely since she is using his little brother as a shield.

(29) Cloche, Hura, Pingara, and Riagara are waiting at the summoning spot. Hura notices that an attack was launched from the cities. He wonders if Maruna is okay and if they should go help him. Cloche says to ignore him and Riagara comments that him getting killed would be beneficial for them since their plans are complete now and the clans will return to being enemies.

Chapter 32: Loser[]

(5) At the sura gathering, Cloche notices that Hura is missing. The group gets alarmed that Kubera's glow is gone. Cloche speculates if it could be the influence of that "Taraka guy" and suggests that Samphati, who was supposed to be keeping him in a mental transcendental, may have betrayed them. Sagara denies this possibility. Suddenly Leez appears and attacks Kubera. Sagara instructs her underlings not to interfere since they are without their transcendentals.

(7) Cloche leaves the sura gathering and goes search for Clophe. She finds him unconscious with Hura, who threatens to kill her brother if she refuses to follow him somewhere safe.

Chapter 34: What Remains[]

(3) Cloche, Clophe and Hura are seen hiding from Yuta as he investigates and searches for traces of superior suras.

Season 3[]

Chapter 36: Another Beginning[]

3-008 Cloche

(3) Nearby the ruins of the Temple of Destruction outside Atera, Cloche frets about Clophe, who ran off somewhere again. Hura tells her not to worry since her brother can protect himself, just before revealing the location of a possible gate to the sura realm.

(4) Hura informs Cloche that they have seen suras arriving through the gate, however, something is strange about them. They do not respond when talked at, and attack instead. Cloche demands to know why Hura is trying to send her through the portal in spite of the extreme danger. They tell her not to worry because she and Clophe can go together. She snaps back that Hura can go themself. They suddenly hear a screech from the gate.

(7) Hura and Cloche observe as many Yaksha clan suras exit the portal and begin to roam around. When they see an odd-looking Asura clan sura resembling a large green caterpillar, Hura notes that not only does it not respond to them, but it is possibly a sura of another clan wearing an Asura clanmate's skin like a cosplay outfit. Just as Cloche states that they want to avoid fighting in order to avoid detection by humans from the city... They spot Clophe attacking a human. Hura calls him useless.

3-013 help then escape

(8) More humans run in. Cloche gets alarmed that there are so many humans here now, and decides that they must kill everyone who saw Clophe. Hura ignores Cloche and tells Clophe to just pretend to be a half, help the human out, and escape when he can later. Clophe easily clobbers a tiger-like sura and successfully feints being a half. He is asked to run when possible since some of the humans harbor prejudice against halfs.

Chapter 37: Threat[]

(1) When Clophe rejoins the rakshasas, Cloche demands to know why Clophe did what Hura said. He responds that he did not - he did what he himself wanted.

Chapter 47: Words That Never Reached You[]

(2) Cloche and Hura observe from behind a tree, as Clophe approaches a group of humans searching for Teo Rakan. She asks Hura if they are sure about Sagara's orders and are not just playing a prank. Hura asks if they would joke around to the point of putting everyone in danger, and Cloche reminds them that they have done it plenty of times.

3-118 Hura and Cloche

(18) After the situation in which Shess lost control and destroyed the Temple of Earth is resolved, Cloche and Hura are shown observing from outside the city. Hura says that things need to end while Agni is still tied up in Mistyshore or else things will get difficult for them. Cloche points out that Chandra is still in Kalibloom, but Hura assures her that he is just one god, but they are not alone. He asks her how she thinks Chandra will react when all the cities without gods are attacked at once, alluding to the upcoming battle.

Chapter 48: Separation[]

3-124 Cloche and Hura

(4) As Hura hits the barrier of Kalibloom with a transcendental, Cloche yells at them to wait for the signal first, but Hura claims they were only testing it since they were going to sneak into the city anyway. As Hura gloats that this will be easier than it was seven years ago, Cloche points to Kasak Rajof, who is towering over the city in his enormous sura form.

Kasak uses a wide-range attack to locate them, but all the attacks curve in one direction. Kasak realizes this must mean he is facing the same annoying sura as 7 years ago. As Hura takes all of Kasak's attacks, they worry that they might not be able to stand their ground. (5) Just as Kasak is about to deal another killing blow to Hura, his transcendental fades and his form shrinks as Taraka arrives in the city with her eyes open. Taraka and Kasak engage in combat.

(15) Meanwhile, Gandharva and Shess join Kasak in the fight and a giant Taraka sura weapon appears and paralyzes Shess. Taraka suddenly attacks the sura weapon.

Cloche, Hura, Riagara and Pingara search for the portal back to Sagara but cannot find it. They assume Chatan, one of the two who are capable of opening the portal, must have received a new task. But the other person, Taraka, is right before them. Riagara deduces that Taraka must have betrayed them.

(22) As Taraka battles the huge Taraka sura weapon, the group of suras observes that the barrier of Earth is cracking. While they discuss whether they should try to sneak into the city, Chatan teleports before them, without Sagara and missing one arm. The group questions him about this, but he does not answer.

Cloche suggests searching for Clophe, who infiltrated the city already, and Chatan recommends that Hura and Pingara take care to conceal them. Just when the group is questioning who could possibly see them, Taksaka appears hovering in the air nearby. The group freezes, Chatan steps in front of them and warns them not to let their guard down because Taksaka may be able to spot them.

3-143 Watching Taksaka leaves

(23) Taksaka turns and leaves and Hura boasts that Taksaka could not see through her cloaking skills. Riagara doubts this and, along with Pingara, asks to get teleported to where Sagara is.

Hura, Cloche, and Chatan head towards the Kalibloom and spot Shess standing frozen in place. Cloche asks if Chatan is worried about Shess since they are brothers. Chatan says he would prefer if Shess dropped dead on the spot, but since their mother favors him, he will do the bare minimum to help.

(30) The battle outside is already over by the time Cloche and Hura return with the godly items of god Kubera. Cloche complains that Clophe ran off again right after they met up with him. Chatan is already waiting at their meeting place, the kidnapped Leny lying next to him. Chatan's arm recovers and he explains that he used a transcendental available only when he injures himself in order to secure an escape group for Sagara.

When Sagara and Riagara step out of the portal, Sagara looks around and notes that the minimum conditions are secured. She asks about Clophe, Hura breaks off Cloche's attempt to answer and asks about Pingara. Sagara tells them that Pingara would not be coming back. In disbelief, Cloche asks Riagara for an explanation.

Chapter 49: The Golden Knight 2[]

(4) Tatia and Sona return and ask Cloche and Hura where Riagara is. Hura reveals that Riagara was put on probation for ignoring Sagara's orders and bringing about what befell Pingara, and that Chatan did not get blamed despite disobeying orders because he is too valuable as the only person who can open portals.

Cloche expresses belief that Riagara was justified to act on her emotions towards Sagara, to which Sona responds by growing a huge mouth with sharp teeth out of her arm and opening it towards Cloche. Sona says that Cloche does not realize the severity of the situation and emotions will not get things done, and she threatens to eat Cloche before she becomes more of a nuisance. Tatia reprimands Sona and asks her to go cool her head. Sagara calls Hura and Cloche over.

Sagara reveals that the spear of god Kubera is missing from his godly items, even though there is no reason for it not to be there if the resurrection attempt from 7 years ago was invalidated. Going forward with the resurrection will be impossible unless they either kill a Kubera or get their hands on one more of Kubera's items. She finally suggests that they go get the Golden Knight bracelet.

Special Episode 6 - News[]

(1) In D875, Cloche welcomes Riagara and Pingara at her home in the human realm and introduces them to her twin brother, Clophe, and her older half-brother, Chloe. They tease her about why she does not have children yet since she is fourth stage already, but Cloche believes she would have no time for children as she needs to care for her brother who is still at second stage.

The experience turns sour when a suicidal nastika destroys the whole galaxy and the suras are forced to evacuate. Many upanis die to save the rakshasas and Clophe develops to third stage at the occasion.

